5. Save Me

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This one is more light-hearted than the previous ones, just saying. :)


"Jackhunter! Would you look here, please?"

"Jackhunter, marry me!"

"I love you, Jackhunter!"

I waved proudly to the citizens of Jackensille, all of whom were also my fans. They had to be -- I saved the town every week, after all.

"There is no need to thank me, everyone," I said into the mic as cameras flashed and women fainted. "It is thanks to all of you that I get to be treated like a hero and have all of you to protect. Without you all, I would be nothing."

This made everyone scream again, as I flashed them all my signature smile and stepped off from the podium. With one jump, I was in the air, flying home.

As I was flying, however, I looked down and noticed a bunch of high school guys surrounding a girl. I hovered in the air and activated my super-hearing to listen to their conversation.

"I don't understand why you don't want to," one male urged. "What makes us so different from your boyfriend?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that he's my boyfriend?"

I wondered if I should move on. The girl seemed to be able to hold her ground fine on her own. However, I saw the guy in the center push the girl to the ground, and I immediately used my super-speed and flew down there.

"What seems to be the problem here?" I effortlessly looked and sounded heroic as I stood between the girl and the guys. "I hope I was just misunderstanding what I just saw. Trick of the light, perhaps?"

Their faces were priceless. "J-Jackhunter!" Their eyes and mouths were wide open as they blinked up at me. "I -- you -- how --"

I decided to leave them to their stuttering and I turned around to pick the girl up. "You alright there?" I asked, reaching for her hand.

"Thank you," she said as she stood up without my offer, "but I had things under control."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You had things under control?" She was pushed to the ground -- what could she have done?

I couldn't really see her face, as she was standing away from the light, but I had a feeling she was glaring at me with a set scowl. "Yes, I did have things under control!" she snapped. "I could've done well even if you hadn't interfered. I'm not some damsel in distress."

Now, I was slightly confused. "I'm Jackhunter," I said dumbly. "My job is to save the citizens in this town, especially the women and children. Do you not know me?"

She shook her head. "That is wrong on so many levels," she spat before turning to leave.

"How?" I couldn't help but yelling after her. "What's wrong about wanting to save people?" It wasn't like I expected much in return.

She turned back around, surprising me slightly. I hadn't really expected an actual answer. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to save people," she said. "Just take out the second part of your 'motto.'"

I frowned, trying to figure out what she meant. "You mean the 'especially women and children' part?" I asked. "They are the ones who need my help the most, if the time comes down to it. They're the weaker part of the -- Hey!"

She continued walking away, shaking her head and muttering something incomprehensible as she left. Frowning, I used my super-hearing to hear what she was saying.

"-- a better superhero."

I stood there, stunned into slight shock. Did she mean I wasn't a good enough superhero? After the shock turned into slight anger, I turned around to leave, only to be slightly taken aback. I had forgotten about the dumb kids.

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