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I don't really know how that became my title. I CAN tell you that I first started with "Hate Me," though I (obviously) changed it. Mainly because some of the projects I'll be writing about are about being positive. So, I went with LOVEME. As I think about it more, though, I realize how many different meaning these two words can have.

For instance, it could mean, "Love me." Like a command. I want you to love me.

Or, "(Please) love me." A request. I need someone to love me. I want to know what it's like to be loved.

"(You) love me?" is also one. As in, I'm doubting that you love me. Why would you love me? Why would anyone love me?

A fourth interpretation could be, "(Don't) love me." I don't want your love. I don't need your love.

Another one is, "Love, me." Like the way I could end all of the stories in a farewell (which I won't).

You could also change it to a first-person narration and say, "(I) love me," which is something important everybody should think.

There are probably more interpretations, all different ones depending on the person. Depending on the context he or she chooses to puts the words in. If you have any of your own, feel free to comment them. If you don't mind, I'll add it here -- and credit you, of course.

Now, why did I choose to leave out a space between the two words? Why did I choose to join two separate words and create a nonexistent word?

For this one, I seriously have no answer. It just looks more aesthetically pleasing, I guess.

Anyways, I'm finally done with the introduction. Thank you if you read all the way down to here, and thank you even more if you follow/vote/comment/share/add to a reading list. If you don't do any of that stuff, though, that's okay, too. I'd just prefer (as well as any other writer here) if you weren't a silent reader.

Okay, that thank-you stuff up top made my introduction longer than it has to be, so I'm definitely ending it H E R E. Hope you like my stories!

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