Chapter 6

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Once again, this has nothing to do with this chappie!😀


I waited for a few minutes, then got up and quietly headed towards her room. I hope she still forgets to lock the doors.

I slowly turned the door knob, and just like I suspected, she forgot to lock the door again. I quietly went inside and silently walked towards my two precious people.

He was clinging on to her mother's shirt, while she was hugging him lovingly. I sighed quietly. I wanted to be part of this beautiful picture. I wanted to be the person that holds both of them in my arms. I've always wanted to know what it feels like to hold your family in your arms.

But I can't. I need her to remember first. I want to know if she still loves me, even after what I did. I don't want her to love me because she didn't remember what I did. I want her to love me fully, knowing my mistakes. I want her to love me as much as I love her. Just like it used to be.

I looked at Blaze. Blossom, Bubbles and Mitch already told me who Blaze really is. Now that I look closer, I feel like such an idiot for not noticing it. He was like a mini me. I felt guilty, guiltier than before. I left Buttercup alone, without even knowing she was pregnant.

I left my kid alone to be without a father. Worse, I left him alone without even knowing I had a kid. Part of me wanted to hug him, right there and then. I wanted to know what it feels like to be a father, to hold your kid so close to you.

But part of me wanted to run away, before I contaminate such an innocent and pure kid. I don't want him to be like me, a playboy, a heartbreaker.

I wanted him to be like Buttercup. Strong and talented. I wanted him to be everything I couldn't be for her. Loving and loyal. The two most important things when in a relationship. Loyalty and love. The reason why I left her. The reason why I broke her heart. I couldn't give her any of it.

I want to know everything about him. His first words, his first steps, I want to know everything. No, I wanted to witness it. I wanted to go back to the time I made the worst decision ever. I wanted to change it. Get married to her, love her and protect her. Just like I planned. Just like I always wanted.

I looked at my two angels again. I saw Buttercup still has that ring on her finger. The ring I gave her. The promises I made to her all came tumbling back to me.

I promise Buttercup. I will love you, forever and always.

I'll never leave you, Buttercup. That's a promise.

I promise I'll be there when you need me the most, BC.

I promise that the only time I love another girl is if you give birth to a girl.

I promise that I would never betray you, Butters.

I would never love anybody but you. Of course, except when we have kids of our own, I'll love them, too.

Buttercup, trust me. I will protect you from your monsters. I promise.

I'll always be your shoulder to lean on. Remember that.

All those promises, I couldn't believe how I didn't keep any of them. Except for the first promise I made to her. I will forever and always love her. At least I kept that.

I heard her sigh, and I tensed. But she just hugged Blaze closer, while Blaze put his tiny hands around her neck. It was nostalgic. I used to do that to her. Wrap my arms around her protectively while she was the one who wrapped her arms around my neck comfortingly and lovingly.

She left everything for me. She gave me her heart, but I just broke it. And now look at me. I couldn't even hold my own kid without raising suspicion. Hell, I couldn't even hold my Buttercup's hand without raising suspicion.

I kissed Blaze's forehead softly. Then I kissed Buttercup's lips lightly. Her lips were just as soft and warm as I remembered.

I looked at both of them one last time, before going back to my room. I'll get them back. I'll be a better father, a better husband. I'll be a better man.

I closed the door to my new room, and laid on the bed. I need to plan on some things. I need to help her get her memories back.

The next morning...


I woke up and saw my baby sound asleep in my arms. I carefully unwrap my arms around him, since I still need to get to work. He stirred a bit, then went back to sleep. I quickly took my clothes, go to the bathroom and took a quick bath, before changing my clothes and running towards the kitchen.


Scratch that. I ran back to my baby. He looked like he was close to crying. I picked him up and kissed him on the cheek. He clung on to me, just like he always do. Suddenly, Butch entered, holding one of the bats my sisters gave me.

When he saw that we were hugging, he immediately put down the bat and looked sheepish.

"Sorry. I thought he was in trouble or something." He mumbled. I laughed, and he seemed to relax.

Blaze, on the other hand, pulled my hair lightly to get my attention. I looked at him, and he was glaring at Butch.

"My mama! Mine!" He hugged me tightly.

I looked at Butch, who's mouth was open in shock. Then, all of a sudden, he started laughing. I started laughing, too.

"Well, at least you're awake. Come on. I need you to bathe Blaze for me while I'm cooking food." His eyebrows raised up.

"And what, pray tell, would this food be?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed, then I gave him Blaze. He looked so surprised he almost dropped him. He probably didn't hold a baby before.

"Its a surprise. Now give him a bath. I still need to cook."

"Um...what about his clothes?"

I pointed to Blaze's drawer.

He nodded and I left the room to cook beef stake for me and him, and baby food for Blaze.


What do you think mischievous Blaze would do to Butch?

Anyways, what do you guys think?




Needs more something?

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