Chapter 5

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Picture has nothing to do with the story!😊


I have been sitting on the sofa, watching Blaze talk and waiting impatiently for the four other adults to come out of the room.

My sisters and best friend looked like they wanted to fight my other best friend with one of the bats they gave me when I was out of the hospital to defend myself just in case a robber shows up.

Of course, since Blaze was always curious and leaves nothing untouched, I had to hide it before he accidentally hurts himself.

I thought about awhile ago. My sisters didn't seem happy, and neither was Mitch. Butch, on the other hand, looked deadly. I wonder what's taking them so long? Are they hiding something from me?

Is that why they asked to talk to each other alone? To hide something from me?

"Mama, why you mad?" Blaze suddenly asked. I looked at him, and saw that he looked worried about me. I changed my frown into a smile.

"Mommy's not mad, baby. She's just, not feeling well today."

"Mama not mad?" He asked again.

"Yes, mama's not mad." I smiled at him. He always does change my bad moods. I don't know what I would do without him.

"Mama, who that man?" He asked.

"Which one, baby?" I asked.

"The big one!" And, just to emphasize his point, he pointed at the ceiling when he said the word "big".

"That's Butch Jojo. He says he's a friend of mine. He'll be staying her for a while, okay?"

"Why?" Looks like my baby's in the mood for questions today.

"Because he has nowhere to stay. I'm his friend, so I have to help him." I tried to explain.

"Mama, do you shawe wif fweinds?"

"Of course, baby. That's what friends do, too."

He nodded, like he understood what I just said.

"Mama, I no wan fwiends!"

That shocked me. "Why don't you want friends sweetheart?"

"I no wanna shawe!"

I laughed at that. Of course he doesn't. He wouldn't share his toys to anybody. Not even with his two aunts. The one time we tried to make him share, he threw a fit for two days.

"But baby, if you don't have friends, then who would make you happy?"

"Mama!" He hugged me while saying it. My kid is definitely gonna be a charmer when he grows up.

"But what if mama's not here?"

"Papa!" I froze. Papa? He doesn't have a papa. Did he hear it from one of his cousins? Or maybe he's talking about his grandpa?

"Baby, who's Papa?"

My baby quickly slid of the sofa and stumbled over to the new stuffed dog Bubbles gave him.

"Papa!" He said, hugging the dog.

Oh. So when he said "Papa", he meant the stuffed dog.

My heart broke a little, though. He doesn't know about his dad. He doesn't know about the accident. And even if he does know, we don't know where they buried him. Why won't they tell us where he is?!

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