Chapter 1

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The picture has absolutely nothing to do with the story. Sorry to burst your bubble.


I was in the kitchen...baking? I didn't even know I could bake. I was kneading the dough, until two strong, muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I yelped, but before I could do anything, I felt soft lips kissing my cheek.

I relaxed, immediately knowing who was hugging me from behind. "You scared me."

He chuckled and kissed my neck, making me shiver slightly. His arms hugged me tighter in a comforting way, and I sighed happily.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just wanted to surprise you." He told me. Then, he made me face him, and hugged me for a long period of time. I relaxed and let him. He stopped hugging me, and lowered his head until it reached mine. I closed my eyes, and I could feel his warm breath on my face, as he leaned down and kissed me...


My eyes opened as fast as it could, and I saw that I was on my bed, my baby boy right beside me, looking at me curiously.

He tried to crawl on top of me, but he failed. He pouted and looked at me, whimpering. I smiled and sat down, picked him up and put him on my lap. He smiled and touched my face, and I placed a kiss on his cheek.

He giggled happily and tried to mimic me, placing his mouth on my cheek. He laughed again, and I smiled wider.

My little angel...

Nothing could ruin this moment...

Suddenly, my alarm went off. I sighed angrily, as I shut it off, and put my angel back to his crib. He was a little unhappy when I did that, and started whimpering again.

Butchercup: My Amnesia GirlWhere stories live. Discover now