Chapter 11

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Forgive me!!!!

I, as always, am late. Late as hell. But! I have a perfectly good reason.

1.) Our teachers piled our projects, and since most of them are group projects, who do you think is making them? That's right. Me. Alone. Group projects are cruel and useless.

2.) Family problems. You don't need to know what.

3.) One of our projects is a performance, in which we have to practice otherwise our grades will drop. Big time. Did I ever tell you how this teacher's standards reaches outer space?

4.) Chores. You know my problem, people. You know.

5.) Friend problems. Not like that. My friend has a problem and I couldn't possibly leave her crying. What kind of a friend would I be?

6.) Christmas decoration for school. We will be the victors in the competition!

And those my reasons! By the way, happy 2018!

*blows horn loudly!



We just arrived in the park, and seconds later, Butch was already chasing Blaze for taking his wallet in the car. I don't know what to do with those two.

"Get back here you little brat!"

"Old man so slow!"

"Who you calling old man?!"

"You the onwy old man hewe!"

"Why you little–!"

That's it. I marched up to them and pulled both their ears.

"Ow!" They both yelled.

"Why are we here?" I asked them.

"To have fun together " They both answered monotonously. I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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