Chapter 6: Inferno

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As Mordred casually walked with her sibling Yuto counted all the men that looked at her with Perverted expressions

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

As Mordred casually walked with her sibling Yuto counted all the men that looked at her with Perverted expressions. He was up to the hundreds and soon millions at this rate. Wonder if he should take Grail-Kun advice about killing a million people to become a hero of justice like his father....

 Wonder if he should take Grail-Kun advice about killing a million people to become a hero of justice like his father

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( if any of you are wondering yes I just did reference this )

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( if any of you are wondering yes I just did reference this )

Snapping out of his thoughts Yuto walked into the nearby park and seeing how dark it was he didn't see many people inside. Perfect, he could test if the bug in the system would allow him to summon his previous servant. Going into an area just to be sure no one would see him he started to draw a summoning circle. Mordred watched him and immediately frowned.

" Oi why are you summoning another servant? Aren't I enough to serve my own little brother?" Mordred asked clearly not pleased.

Yuto responded continuing to draw the circle " it's not that your not enough I just wanted to try out something. Besides your Mordred the knight of rebellion and one of the Knights of the round table. I'm sure your powerful enough even without the fact your a Saber."

A bit pleased with his answer Mordred frown disappeared though she still didn't like how her brother was summoning another servant. Well whatever she was sure the servant he was about to summon would be weaker than her anyway and hoped it wasn't a girl.

Completing the circle finished in the next few minutes which looked right to the second faker. Yuto closed his eyes as he started to trace a weapon. The weapon completely formed in his hands and he took a look at it. It was a bow with an nice design to it as it looked like it was a reference to the sun. In this case it was. Placing it down onto the summoning circle Yuto hoped this would work. As nice as his tracing ability was he couldn't create a perfect copy of the bow due to lack of information about it. Nether way he started to send some of his magical energy into the summoning. The circle started to glow scarlet red almost like it was on fire. Soon a flame appeared spreading throughout the circle as the bow floated a bit above it.

" I Emiya Yuto call upon you my servant from a previous Grail War, Archer inferno!"

The flames then shot up into the air into a pillar of fire and as it appeared it disappeared leaving someone standing in the middle of the summoning circle. It was a girl who had fair skin and wore old Japanese military armor that would have fit a samurai, she had long white hair with blood red eyes that seem to have fire within them. The most notable features on her with the two black horns she had sticking out. Overall she was a beautiful, mighty warrior. This was Tomoe Gozen an Archer Class Servant nicknamed Archer Inferno. In her hands she held her katana and naginata.

Tomoe opened her eyes and what she saw shocked her " Master?"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Tomoe opened her eyes and what she saw shocked her " Master?"

" the one and only- " Yuto was cut off as Tomoe immediately punched him sending him into a tree. Yuto held his cheek as he looked at his Archer Class Servant " Oi what's the big idea!?"

Tomoe angrily responded"that's what you get for disappearing and leaving me! What kind of master does that to their loyal servant!?"

Standing back up Yuto responded a bit ticked off " I was facing Gilgamesh and got sucked into the corrupted holy grail! Did you expect me not to get transported into another world!?"

Tomoe and Yuto argued against one another while ignoring Mordred who wasn't please. Looks like things were about to get more troublesome for our young faker. Though all three of them failed to notice a bat watching them all and flying away to report to its master.

End of Chapter

Sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the other five and because of it being short. Been trying to write for the past couple days but each time I try I feel weird and I suddenly don't wanna write. Though I forced myself to do so but after that I couldn't write anymore so again I'm sorry.

Also I'm considering letting you readers choose my OC servants ranging from the normal servant classes to the extra classes. Here's the list

Saber- Mordred

Archer- Tomoe Gozen

Lancer- ???

Caster- ???

Rider- ???

Assassin- ???

Berserker- ???

Extra Class

Ruler- ???

Avenger- ???

Alter Ego- ???

Shielder- Mashu (in the near future as I have plans for her)

Here's the list and I'll let you readers pick the servant and if i like then I will add them. Note there is a possibly I will choose a servant myself in the future. I'll see you all in the next chapter, until then have a nice day.

 I'll see you all in the next chapter, until then have a nice day

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Putting a lot of pictures in this chapter for some reason

Highschool DxD: Unlimited Blade Works ( rewriting 26-44)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat