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"My name is poet, I am a Philip." Philip mumbled. John laughed. Philip glared at his transparent friend.

"Sorry kiddo, but that's halarious." John said in a fit of laughter, wiping away tears.

"Philip, who are you glaring at?" His mother asked.

"O-oh uh, nobody mother." Philip replied, flushing. His mother raised her eyebrow suspiciously, but continued anyway.

"Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf." His mother sang.

"Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf." Philip sang back. His mother smiled and said, "Continue." Philip practiced again and again. John smiled, he knew this kid was going places.

"Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf." Philip sang again, changing the tune. Eliza sighed. Philip had been making that mistake for a long time. She got up and left to get Alexander.

John stared at the music. He remembered learning some as a kid. He could recall learning some pretty cool things.

"Hey, Philip," John called out, "Did you know that you can spell cabbage with music notes?" Philip stared at John for a solid five seconds before bursting into laughter. John loved making that boy laugh. It was a joyful, pure, clear sound. He fluffed the little boy's hair, which was as curly as his own.

"C'mon Philip, let's practice again for your father." Philip gave him a big toothy grin.

Timeskip- Dinner

"Your son is nine years old today, he has something he'd like to say. He's been practicing all day. Philip, take it away." Eliza's voice rang. Philip looked at John for support. John nodded and smiled at the boy.

"You can do it." He said loudly, knowing that nobody else could hear him. Philip took a deep breath and looked at his father.

"Daddy, daddy, look! My name is Philip, I am a poet." Philip started. Eliza began beatboxing.

"I-I wrote this poem just to show it." He stuttered, still bit nervous. He took another deep breath.

"And I just turned nine- you can write rhymes, but you can't write mine!" He said, excited. John clapped and began cheering loudly.

"What!?" Alex yelled. Philip, clearly gaining confidence from his support, began to speak louder.

"I practice French and play piano with my mother!" Philip began nodding along with the beat.


"I have a sister, but I want a little brother!"

"Okay." Alex said, laughing a bit as Eliza blushed lightly.

"My daddy's tryna start America's bank. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq!" He finished with his fist in the air.

"Bravo!" Alex cheered.

It's short, but don't worry, hopefully I will update by Saturday.

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