Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2

"Ms. Chambers?"

"Yes?" I open my eyes to see Jake in front of me.

"It is time for you to wake up. Shall I get your breakfast and serve it to you while you're in bed?" Jake asks me, removing the blankets from me. "Did you have to sleep with so many blankets on?"

"I got really cold last night. I should have set the room temperature to something in the middle of hot and cold," I answer, sitting up. "You don't have to bring me breakfast. I'll have it when I get downstairs. Also, don't worry about my bed. I'll do it later, okay?"

"Okay, as you wish." He turns away. "If you need me, you know how to get my attention."

"Yeah, I'll scream that Lindsey is wanting to hook up with you finally."

He turns quickly, staring me in the eyes with his grey eyes. "That isn't going to get my attention!"

"Sure, sure," I reply, laughing.

I roll off the bed and carefully land on the floor. I move over to the bathroom and turn on the light. It's one of those days I just want to sleep all day long. Life would be better if I could just sleep through it and live in my dream world.

I pick up my toothbrush and turned on the water. I place it under the water and then place toothpaste on it and start brushing my teeth. I wonder why we can't just magically clean teeth. I spit out the contents in my mouth and wash my toothbrush. I step out of the bathroom and turn off the light. I feel better now.

What should I wear today? Maybe Jake laid out my clothes for once. Actually, he does that a lot.

I look over at the space next to my ruined blankets. Ah-ha! He did leave out some clothes for me to wear. What did he pick? that a note?

I move over to the bed and pick up the yellow sticky note, staring down at the writing. Lindsey told him to pick out a certain outfit! Why would she do that? That little she witch!

I look at the outfit, which consists of a black dress and striped leggings. She wants me to wear that? Well, I guess I switch into it.

I look over at the door and shrug. I doubt Jake is going to walk by anytime soon. He's probably busy hunting down Lindsey in order to shove breakfast down her throat.

Maybe I will rock this. I remove my shirt and grab the dress. I pull it over my head and shove my hands through the holes in it for my arms. This is one of the new outfits she bought me the other day. I have never wore something like this before minus when I was younger and my parents would dress me up for church.

I changed my underwear last night and I didn't wear pants to bed because that shirt is basically like a dress. I lift one of my feet up and shove it into the hole of the leggings. I put the other one in and pull them up, pulling it over my polka-dot underwear. I pull down the dress over it and look over at the mirror.

"I look pretty cute, huh?" If I fix my hair, it'll be better.

It is time to get downstairs.


"What are you doing watching TV so early in the morning?"

Lindsey looks at me. "How did you know I was watching TV?"

"Because I know you." I sit down beside her. "Shouldn't you be eating breakfast or staring at Jake? You know, he's totally your type!"

"Jake is busy and I already finished the meal. I practically shoved it down my throat. I'm glad he picked something I got you out for you to wear this morning. I thought he would ignore my orders and allow you to embarrass yourself with your horrible taste in clothing."

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