Part 2

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"Can I be done?" Shelby asked looking back and forth between you and Daryl. Abe sat quietly eating on Daryl's lap, but Shelby had insisted on her own seat next to Hershel.

"It's fine munchkin," Daryl answered before helping Abe with a spoonful of veggies. "You did good."

"Aunt Maggie, can Hershel be done too? We wanna go play," Shelby looked hopeful and Maggie nodded.

"Sure, y'all can go play. Stay where we can see you on the porch please," she smiled and watched as Shelby grabbed Hershel's hand, sprinting through the front door.

Abe started to squirm in Daryl's lap, but he held his arm firm around the boy's waist.

"Daddy!" Abe whined trying to follow his big sister and Hershel.

"Nope, sorry kiddo. You're stuck here," Daryl put him on his other leg, closer to you and Abe started to cry.

"C'mere buddy," you held your arms out to the boy and he reached for you.

Daryl shook his head and gave you a frustrated look, "...wrapped around his little finger."

You rolled your eyes at him and Maggie laughed as she stood up starting to clear the table.

"Hey Abe, want me to take you outside to play with the other kids?" Glenn stood up and offered his hands out to your son. Abe's face lit up and he jumped up to take Glenn's hand. "Do you mind?" he asked, passing a glance between you and Daryl.

"No, go for it. Thanks Glenn," you smiled, relieved to have the boy calm and happy. You watched Glenn go out front to the porch where Shelby and Hershel were playing with chalk, Abe falling to his knees on top of the pictures they had drawn.

You got up and started clearing the dishes with Maggie, while Daryl finished the last bite of his dinner. Maggie grabbed another handful of dishes and disappeared into the kitchen. You walked around where Daryl was sitting and as you passed by, he grabbed your hips and pulled you down onto his lap.

"Hey now, my hands are full," you laughed as your put your arms carefully around Daryl while still holding the dirty dishes.

"Mmhmm," he mumbled and buried his head into your neck. You could hear a low growl rumbling deep in his chest. Not wanting to drop the dishes, you gingerly laid them on the table, and let Daryl get back to teasing your neck with his lips.

"Oh god," Maggie sang as she reentered the room when she saw the two of you, "I wasn't kidding before, you really do act like horny teenagers. Like, its borderline gross," she mocked and picked up another handful of dishes.

"Come on Maggie, you and Glenn aren't exactly prudes. I have seen the way the two of you go at it," you teased her and her cheeks turned a slight shade of red.

"Maybe, but at least I can control myself when there are children present," Maggie scolded, shaking her head; but her smile was still wide across her face.

"He's just a big ole kid," you looked back at Daryl and smiled at him playfully. "He's just always trying to stir up trouble."

"You weren't calling me a child this afternoon," Daryl scoffed and he gripped you a little tighter on his lap, his eyes coated with lust at the memory of your day together.

You flashed him a mocking glance and licked your bottom lip. Pulling him closer, you whispered in his ear, "True, but if you ever wanna punish me like that again, daddy, then you better get your ass up and outside to help Glenn with the other kids."

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