{30} Sophie

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The Grand Finale!

Are you ready?

No, really. ARE YOU?

This is a bit anti-climatic, I know. But I was at loss for what to write during the final leg of this whole commitment. I word vomitted a lot, stayed up late, woke up early, texted my friend at 3 AM about whether I should use 'awful' or 'terrified'. I was a mess, trust me. My grades plummeted during this stage in writing. :D

Anyway, this isn't the FINALE, FINALE. I have something else in store for you guys tomorrow. But by technicality. Persephone Incarnate is finished.

And I'm kind of happy to see it finally all up here on Wattpad.

Thank you to all the people who have supported me so far. I really love you guys, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to open my Wattpad and find your comments on my News Feed. I love to read all of them, and sometimes I have to reread them, because I can't believe I actually have sincere readers.

So thank you, @SingingDryad, @yufannx, @CowBells, @MayanEmpire and many more (I swear I'll find out your users sooner or later!) I'll dedicate the last few chapters to you guys - one each, obviously. But you guys deserve it, and I really want to show you how much I appreciate it.

So, Persephone Incarnate has come to its official end.

*deep breath*




“What do we do? What can we do?” Alexander picked up my hand and cradled in his, rubbing his thumb over the back, as if to calm me.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I already was calm, but I was just frustrated because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want Morgan to spend some months or years down here because of the selfish desires of a couple of Greek deities. Maybe Hades could afford to do that, but every year down here was another year gone on the surface for Morgan.

“We’ve got to stop him,” I said, determined. “Morgan shouldn’t have to do this just because…” I trailed off as I realized what the alternative was – the death of my friends.

Alexander looked at me impatiently as I started to bounce ideas off of him. “Maybe I could trade the gods something else – like, what if we could get their bodies back?”

“And how are you going to do that?”

“Persephone?” I directed that toward her, but Alexander took it as a suggestion instead of a proper noun.

“There’s no way you can do that, even if you have Persephone inside of you.”

There really isn’t, Sophie. I’m sorry.

“You can stop apologizing. I’m not going to forgive you so soon, but I do know you’re sorry,” I said, trying to be both firm yet gentle.

She retreated into the far corner of my mind as I said that, and I went back to brainstorming with Alexander.

He seemed to be getting more tired of it by the second, and eventually, with an exasperated sigh, he said, “Sophie, just leave it. If he wants to do it, then let him.”

“There’s no possible way he’d want to do that!”

“Did he ever say he didn’t want to?”

Persephone Incarnate [Wattpad Prize 2014] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now