Save the Date: Friday, February 14th

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The first chapter of Persephone Incarnate will be posted on Wattpad on Valentine's Day (also known as Forever Alone Day OR Friday, if you're a loner like me #foreveralone)! Thank you guys for being patient as it is, and I'm really excited to be able to share my story with you.

It's the first story I've ever finished (I have commitment problems) and I know to some of you, that's no big deal, but think back to the first story you finished. Remember the triumph, the fist pumping (if you're like me), the dancing around your room to whatever's playing on Pandora, and then falling to your knees because you're just so mentally exhausted? (Okay, alright, not all of that happened. Maybe the falling to my knees part though.)

But anyway, look forward to it, and I hope you'll share this story + its blurb, with your friends and followers! 

(By the way, I've also included some fanart my friend drew for me, just sort of as a sneak peek and to hype you guys up! >.^ ) Just click the external link ---> to view!

Persephone Incarnate [Wattpad Prize 2014] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now