{10} Sophie

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Okay, I have some exciting news, guys!

So, I'm going to be entering the Wattpad Prize - I've been thinking about it, at the recommendation of @SingingDryad, and at first, I was worried, because I thought I wasn't going to have the entire revised version up in time. But then I was like, "Duh, there's only 26 chapters, if I work on one every day, I'll have the rest of the 16 chapters up by the end of the month!" And there is my exciting news - I will be updating Persephone Incarnate *daily* from now on.

So it won't change anything, except look forward to a daily update! 

Oh, and also, don't forget to vote and comment and stuff if you like the chapter. I look forward to hearing from all of you, and I hope I'll have your support this month and the next (or however long this Wattpad Prize thing goes on).


I swung my legs, kicking against the mattress as I did so, enjoying the freedom that I got from the jeans I’d found in the closet. I paired it with a simple white tunic, since that was the only top in there wasn’t too formal, a gown, or just something I could feel comfortable wearing.

“This feels so much better,”

Glad you do. Best you go into your trial feeling decent and wearing normal clothes instead of that white gown.

“It was pretty, but it just wasn’t right to wear around on a normal day. To a ball or concert maybe, but not if I’m going to be stuck in this room.”

It’s half past five. You only have half an hour left until six. That’s when visiting hours to the Underworld close, and you’ll be presented with your trial. You have anything you want to talk about with me, or if you just want to sleep, just go ahead. The next 24 hours of your life will be extremely stressful.

“I am feeling a little tired – I think I will sleep. Wake me up when someone comes in, okay?”

I sprawled out on the bed and without covering myself with the blankets, closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


Sophie! Hades – sorry, Morgan is here. You might want to get up. You’re not in the best sleeping position.

I reacted better to Persephone this time, but it still took me a while to sit up and get over my post-sleep stupor. I had to stare at the wall and blink a few times, wondering why I was thinking about…something about roses and a violin, and I kept on hearing music. The image and sound eventually drifted away from me, and when I realized that I was probably a little messy, I felt my cheeks heat a little, and I swiftly smoothed down any flyaway hair I had. I slid off the bed and smoothed out my top and pants, then turned to Morgan.

“You feeling better?” he said with a slight nod.

“Yea, thanks. So…” I started tentatively.

“You probably know why I’m here,” he said immediately, not even bothering with other pleasantries. “Your trial will begin as soon as I finish talking to you. You must be mentally and physically prepared.”

I raised my eyebrows at the last part. I was pretty capable in the mental department (without counting the dumb moments that I occasionally had either because of lack of sleep or because my mind suddenly had gone blank), but as for the physical…well, we would cross that bridge when we go there.

“Okay, I think I am. I mean, you know how I am with sports,” I said with a nervous laugh.

He smiled briefly, but turned serious immediately again. “Sophie, your trial begins now.”

Persephone Incarnate [Wattpad Prize 2014] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now