*Chapter 1*

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Soooo, this is the first chapter!!! It's kinda short, but the upcoming ones will be longer. Enjoy reading <3

Ps. This chapter will be in Elena's POV. The rest pf the chapters will be in an anonymous POV (You can say, my POV) ;)

You can continue reading <3


It's been a long time since I last saw any of my friends or family. The ones I miss the most are my best friend Kelly, my Mother, and my younger brother Brandon. I also miss my school and I miss everything I had before I move here. Living in NYC is way much better than living here in LA. In LA, I know no one, but in NYC I almost know everyone! 

I moved to LA in the first place to forget and clear my mind and leave my old life behind me, but it's not working, that's why I'm going back to New York. I finished packing my bag and I quickly went out of the villa that I rented for these ten months in which I stayed in LA. I took a cab and I headed to the airport, I reached on time for my flight. I finished all of the procedures that I'm suppose to do before I board my flight, then I directly headed to my flight's departure gate. 

I took my seat in the First Class, and I placed all of my luggage in the trunk that's above my seat. I didn't really have much luggage it was just one small back and a backpack. 

The plane is now about to take off. I took a quick glance out of the small window beside me. "NYC, Here I come!" I said softly.

The plane landed and I smiled as it made a touchdown. I'm so glad I'm actually back! Finally! I got off the plane and I found our personal driver waiting for me just outside the plane. 

"Hi Robert! It's so nice to see you again!" 

"Miss Elena! You don't know how much I missed your presence darling!" He said in his French accent and he gave me a warm smile followed by a hug. He treats me like his daughter, he's a very kind and sweet person!


I got really excited when I saw the sight of a big modern mansion on the corner of the street, aka my mansion/house whatever you wanna call it. I stepped out of the car and I headed towards the door of my house with Robert following me with my suitcases. I got out the key and I opened the door. I didn't tell anyone that Im coming back, not even my Mother nor my brother. I just told Robert, our driver, so he would come and pick me up. I stepped into the house and I felt even happier if that's even possible. I headed directly upstairs and towards my Mom's room since I didn't find anyone downstairs. If you're wondering, Dad left us. He left us since I was about 14 years old, and now I'm almost 18, and till this day we haven't heard from him ever since he left us. He abandoned us just to pursue his dream of becoming a famous producer or whatever, and now it's just me and my Mom and my Brother, it has always been only us. I decided to snap back into reality and I held my hand up and I knocked on my Mom's bedroom door. Without waiting for her to open the door for me I turned the doorknob slowly and I peeked inside the room. 

"ELENA!!" Mom screeched and jumped off the bed quickly rushing towards me. She hugged me tightly that I could barely breath.

"Mom, I can't breath" I said laughing and pretending to suffocate.

"I missed you so much darling!" She said with a smile as the tears started filling her eyes. I really missed that smile! 

"I missed you way more Mom, you can't even imagine!" I said holding her hands. "Where's Brandon?" I asked her smiling. 

"He went out for breakfast with his friends, he'll probably be back by 10 or so." Mom said, that's when I took a quick glance at the clock and I realized it's 7 in the morning.

"I'll see him later then. Anyways, I'll leave to get back to resting and I'll head over to Tiffany's to have some breakfast. I haven't eaten since yesterday!" 

"Ok darling, but make sure to cone back before such if you headed to another place after having breakfast." She said smiling. 

"Sure thing! I'll see you later!" I said and I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and I headed for the door.

"Bye honey, Take care" She called after me. 


I entered the cafe and I headed towards the counter to order something to eat. 

"I want one hot chocolate and an English cake please." I told the cashier guy.

"In or out?" 

"I'll have it in" 

"Sure! that will be fifteen dollars and fifty-nine cents." the guy said smiling. I took out the money from my purse and I handed it to him. "Thank you ma'am. Take a seat and I'll get you your breakfast to your table" I gave him a quick smile and I went towards the table in the corner of the café and I sat down. 

I was in the middle of finishing my breakfast when the sight of the only people I never thought I'd see again, at least today, entered the cafe. 

"Elena!!" Kelly screeched when she spotted me. 

"That's me" I muttered and I put a smile on my face. She came closer to where I was sitting with the rest of her so called 'squad' following her. 

'I can't believe that you came back! I thought I'd never see you again!" She beamed happily and she grabbed me into a hug. 

"I'm so glad to see you again!" I said smiling.

"Elena?!" I directed my sight at the person that called me. I's him. The lat person I expected to see today. 

"N-Nate?!" I stuttered nervously. I was in shock after I saw him. I looked at his ocean blue eyes, and thats when all the memories came back flooding into my mind. 



I hope you really like the story, I'm working hard to make it a good one. I know this chapter is so short but I'll try and make the coming ones longer. 

Tell me your opinion on this chapter, HONESTLY!! 

Love ya'll!!! 

Xo Xo, gossip girl 💋

(Hahahahah . WHAT is wrong with me 😂😂)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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