Demon! Hanzo x Injured! Reader (RE-WRITE) | How Scary Demons Can Be

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Hi! This story is also set around the same sort of time as Junkenstein's revenge. Enjoy!

You looked up at the dark grey clouds, clutching you side as you walked through a overgrown forest. You knew that this forest was rumoured to be the Dragon Demons territory. Everyone was too scared to enter this forest but it was the only way to get the angry mob that was chasing you to leave you alone. They were chasing you because you stole bread from the local bakery since you don't have enough money to buy food. You walked for a while before noticing a light coming from a cave. You started to run slightly, still clutching your side . You made your way inside the and cave slid down the wall, ripping some fabric off your t-shirt to put around your wound to stop the bleeding. Before you knew it you were in a deep sleep.

"Excuse me miss, are you ok?" You were woken by a deep voice and sat up to see a man with grey skin. He had red markings covering his face and you swore you saw some fangs. He had his hair up in a ponytail and his face was lined with a beard. He had little grey horns poking out of his head, You felt blood rush to your face as you woken up by such an attractive man.

"Your the Demon of the dragon. Your not going to kill me?" you replied looking into his white eyes and trying to move away causing immense pain in your wound. You brought your hand to the wound and applied light pressure on it to try to stop the pain. The man sighed and moved your hand away, so he could treat your wound.

"I'm not going to kill someone for no reason." He said still treating the wound.

"But why is everyone scared of you then and what about all of the legen-" The Demon cut you off before you could finish.

"Those legends are false." He began to stitch up your wound making you wince in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you." You said trying to not cry out of pain.

"You didn't offend me miss, it's ok." He said as he finished stitching up your wound. "There you go. Finished." The Demon then handed you a small wooden plate with a small piece of bread on it and a small wooden cup filled with what you presumed to be water.

"Ah! Thank you I was kind of hungry." You said as you took the plate and bowl out of his hands. You began to eat quietly as the Demon went to tend to the fire in the middle of the cave. "Wait do you live here? I'm so sorry if I'm intruding!" You said as you just realised you could of ruined the mans evening.

"Oh no, I mean I do live here but its not everyday I get such an attractive young lady just appear out of nowhere." He said smirking, making your face heat up even more.

"What!?" You shouted surprised at his sudden compliment.

"I said its not everyday I meet an attractive young lady who doesn't run away screaming." He replied playfully.

"Well I don't see how anyone could be scared at such a handsome Demon" You smirked. The Demon crouched next to you and lent his face close to yours.

"Is that so then I guess I'll have to show you how scary us demons can be then" He whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.

"W-what!?" You shouted for the second time. The Demon chuckled as his lips brushed over yours. He then smashed his lips onto yours, closing the gap between you. Your body tensed from shock but you soon melted into the kiss, your lips moving in sync. The Demon broke away with a smile plastered across his face.

"You are a very interesting person (Y/N)."

"How do you know my name?" you said puzzled but before you could get an answer the Demon was gone. "Wait where did you go?" you called out only to get no response.

Sorry if Hanzo was Ooc but this is how I imagine him acting if he was a demon. Also should I make a part two?


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