Chapter 11: Captivated

Start from the beginning

 Daryl nudged her shoulder and spoke even though his mouth was full of food, “Spit it out.”

 “Are you and Carol or I guess have you and Carol,” Arden paused and cleared her throat, “You know?”

The question made Daryl choke on a piece of meat.  His gruff coughs bounced off the trees and filled the awkward silence that had fallen between the pair.  “Christ,” he coughed, picking up the water bottle and chugging it. 

The coughing died down but the awkward silence was going strong.  Arden chewed on another piece of meat, wondering if she should ask the question again or just pretend like she never asked.  Her eyes flicked over to Daryl whose neck had turned scarlet.  “So…”  Arden trailed off, looking back down at her food.

 “No,” he answered quietly, his voice wavering slightly.

 Embarrassed Daryl was something Arden wasn’t very comfortable with and she soon found her own face heating up.  “Oh,” Arden nodded a few times, “We’ve spent a lot of time together and I really don’t know anything about you.”

 Daryl didn’t like where this was going.  Talking about himself was not his favorite activity and the thought of telling Arden about his past made him even more uncomfortable.  His life with Merle hadn’t been anything to shout about and he couldn’t help but feel that Arden would judge him for it.  “What bout you?”  he questioned, keeping his eyes down. 

 A sarcastic laugh left  Arden’s mouth, “Like you’d want to know about me,” she laughed again and turned to see Daryl staring at her, his eyes challenging her statement and making her quickly look away.  “Oh,” she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and wondered why her stomach suddenly felt all funny.

“Well,” Arden took in a deep breath, “What do you wanna know?”

Daryl shrugged and continued eating.  Arden’s shoulders slumped forward and she sighed loudly, “I dunno well I grew up in Denver.  Mom, dad, older brother- typical life I guess.”  The silence let her know that she should continue.  “Um I graduated with honors, went to University of Colorado and majored in graphic design, graduated in four years and then got a job working at you know what?”  Arden looked over to Daryl who had been watching her intently, “This is boring, my life was boring I’m sorry.”

 “Doesn’t sound boring, sounds…” Daryl paused for a moment and wiped his hands on his pants, “Nice.”

A sad smile adorned Arden’s face, “Yeah, guess it was.  Anyway,” she patted her legs, “What about you?”

Daryl shook his head, “Ain’t nothin to tell.”

Arden frowned, “You had a brother, tell me about him?  What you two do growing up?”

“Merle was an asshole,” Daryl whispered, placing his food on the ground and clasping his hands together, “Was always in and out of jail when I was growin up, left me alone with my asshole of a father a lot.”

His tone had turned dark and Arden could tell that Daryl’s life growing up was nothing like hers.  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” she murmured, nudging Daryl’s shoulder, “Past is the past anyway, no need to dwell on it.  We can talk about the now like…what’s your favorite color?”

 Daryl chuckled, “Don’t have one.”

“I would have to guess,” Arden eyed Daryl up and down a few times, “Dark grey,” he smiled and it made  Arden unexplainably happy to have been the source of that smile, “Okay so how old are you?”

 Daryl took a moment to recall just how old he was since it’s not like he celebrated his birthdays even before the world went to shit, “Thirty seven, you?”

“Guess,” Arden’s eyes lit up and Daryl could no longer hold her gaze.  Her smile made him uncomfortable, having to guess her age made it worse.

“I dunno.”

 “Aw c’mon don’t be a party pooper, guess!  You won’t offend me, I promise.”

“Okay then, twelve,” Daryl snickered and Arden playfully punched him in the shoulder.

“Haha very funny, now for real take a guess.”

Daryl shrugged, “Thirty.”

Arden’s face scrunched up.  She had said she wouldn’t get offended but she had to admit it stung a little to be thought of as thirty.  “Twenty five,” she replied and then began calculating in her head, “So you’re twelve years older than me.”  Saying it out loud made her nearly cringe.  Twelve years was a lot, but she did know a couple who had a twenty one year age difference and they were super happy and why am I even thinking about this?  Arden tried to shake the unnecessary thoughts out of her head but the number twelve kept swimming around in her frontal lobe.

“What’s your favorite drink?”

The question snapped Arden out of her stupor and made her heart beat quickly and lungs push all the air out of her nose.  She eyed Daryl but he wasn’t looking at her, pretending that he didn’t just partake in this back and forth.  Pretending that he wasn’t interesting in something as simple as her favorite drink.  “Sweet tea,” Arden smiled, “But if we’re talkin alcohol then I’m a Dos Equis girl.”

Daryl smiled teeth and all and in that moment Arden wondered why she enjoyed his smile so much.  Why she put up with his lack of manners and the way he ordered her around.  Why out of everyone at the prison she enjoyed his company the most even when it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her.  She wondered why she was captivated by Daryl Dixon and then realized that she indeed was captivated by him.  Her heart clenched and palms became sweaty.  She was about to change the topic, say something about having to keep moving because if she kept sitting here and talking to him like this she was afraid of what she would feel. 

 Before she could speak the butt of a rifle came slamming down into the back of Daryl’s head.  Arden didn’t have time to react though she felt her heart rate quicken and her whole body jump in shock.  She watched Daryl slump forward and then she felt the gun hit the back of her head. The pain lasted but a moment because soon all she saw was blackness and all she felt was a cold, empty nothingness.


Author's Note:  What do you guys think happened at the end!?  Who knocked out both Daryl and Arden and what will happen next?  Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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