Danny saw a flash of white.

Then pain

His body erupted with searing heat, like lighting stuck his bones. The pain was so intense it felt like a thousand suns were heating up his body all at once and somehow he wasn't burned to ashes, even if for a moment he wished he was. Sparks were everywhere, his screams hurt his throat, but it only happened in an instant.

Danny stumbled out of the hole. When the pain subsided he looked down at his body.

He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes, he could now walk through walls, disappear and fly! He was now much more unique than the other guys. (XD sorry not sorry!)Fear gripped him like a leech. What would his new parents think? He somehow got to his room and hid himself from the world, not daring to come out. Afraid of the judgment that came with it.

When Jazzy came in and saw his odd clothes and different hair and eyes she screamed and ran to her parents. Danny hid under his bed, he didn't want to scare anybody, he just wanted his family back.

Jazzy's parents came in, they looked through the room and tried to find Danny, when the woman looked under the bed. Danny scrambled away, trying to hide himself but the woman pulled him out by his leg.

She had a kind smile, he stopped crying, now only sniffing. She cradled him and told him everything would be alright. That she didn't care that he was half ghost, that she adopted him for him. Danny smiled, happy now his new family accepted him for was he now was.

But again the happiness only lasted so long.


Fast forward A year and a half later, Danny was five.

He was messing around with Jazzy, he held a stuffed bear and was floating just out of reach of Jazzy who jumped up to reclaim her toy. They were both giggling, enjoying the game, when they heard the doorbell ring. Danny floated down and Jazzy ran to get her parents.

Jazzy's mother opened the door and a bald man with a white suit was in the doorway. They exchanged hello's and he stepped in. He was tall and his face was sour, but once he saw Danny a snake-like smile split his face. Danny shrank back, not liking that man one bit.

Jazzy's dad came in too, talking loudly like always, no one noticed the man in white grab a gun behind his back. Danny did though, he tried to shout a warning but the man whipped out his gun and three bullets embedded themselves into Danny's new family.

Three bodies hit the floor, Maddie and Jack looking at each other with shock etched into their faces. Jazzy was looking at Danny, her bear still in her now lifeless hands.

Danny stood frozen to the spot, not fully registering what just happened. The man in white grabbed his arm and shoved him in a small confined space.

In a mad rush of events he had the collar, the muzzle, then he saw red. Next came the cores, all the floating yellow and red cores, trapped in the cycle he learned quickly.

His life was on a fast track, all the experiments and beating were done in quick succession. A scalpel impaled him here, a fist connected with his face there. A robot smashed his head against the floor, a gloved fist buried itself in his gut. Whip marks fresh and bleeding rubbed with salt, agonizing pain as they dissected him alive.

GIW agents surrounded him, all of them with sick smiles and some type of weapon in their hands, Bruce was with them. He was the worst one of them all. He beat him black and blue, breaking every bone in his body. His core was contorted into a booger yellow, streaked with red.

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