Chapter 13

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Storybrooke (Gold's pawn shop)

They appeared on the sidewalk in front of the pawn shop, startling a few citizens walking by. Gold took a deep breath and exhaled, drinking in the second chance of life he had been granted. He wanted to see Belle and his son right away, but to do that he had to deal with his travelling companions first.

"We made it." Henry announced. He was proud that he had led a successful operation and made it back home without anyone getting hurt or killed. He could tell David felt the same way because he gripped Henry's shoulder and gave him a big smile. "I can't believe it worked." Henry whispered to himself.

"Where is Belle and Gideon?" Gold asked, unable to hold back any longer.

Henry looked at him sympathetically. "Maybe at the library or at your place grandpa. I don't know. Probably best to call them." Gold nodded and he knew that a 'but' was coming. "But I really need to know how to stop the Author once and for all. You're the only one who knows that much about magic."

Gold sighed in frustration. He really didn't want to waste any time before seeing his family. However Henry had risked his life to come to his rescue and bring him home. He was obligated to help his grandson.

David seemed to understand what Gold was going through and pulled out his cellphone. "Hey, I'm going to call Snow and let her know we're back. I'll ask after Belle for you." Gold nodded warily accepting the concession.

Mulan and Elsa stepped forward, hand in hand. "I'm going to find my sister, she's probably worried sick."

"I need a nap." Lily yawned. "Breathing fire takes a lot out of me. Good luck kid. Let us know if we can help in kicking that puppet's ass." Soon Henry and Gold were the only ones left on the sidewalk.

Henry gripped his grandfather's arm and smiled. "I'm glad you're back grandpa."

Gold gave him a genuine smile. "I'm glad that you didn't give up on me Henry. So many others would have, and they would be right to do so."

"You're family grandpa." Henry stated simply. "Family never gives up on family. Come on, we'll go to the library. Belle might be there and we can get started on Operation Lumberjack."

Storybrooke (mayor's office)

"You're back?!" Snow exclaimed into her phone. "Is everyone alright?" Anna's ears perked up as she overheard Snow's conversation. They were both huddled around the mayor's desk with documents scattered everywhere that needed the mayor's attention. All of that was being ignored now because of the unexpected phone call. "What a relief! That's great, and it all worked out? Gold's back?" Snow gave Anna a thumbs up in answer to the young woman's questioning look.

Anna exhaled a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Everyone was okay and that meant that Elsa was too. "Is he still a you know..." Anna whispered to Snow.

"Is Gold still a vampire?" Snow asked into the phone. She shook her head in the negative to Anna. "Wow, you mean no more vampires period? Henry doesn't play around does he?" Snow chuckled. "No Belle's not here. I think she might be at the library. When will I see you David?"

"In about three seconds." David said as he opened the office door and walked in holding the phone to his ear. Snow let out a happy squeal as she ran around the desk and into her husband's arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She said before she placed a hard kiss on his lips.

David laughed as he lifted her off the ground and whirled her around. "I told you I was fine. That grandson of ours is quite the field general. I guess I trained him well."

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