Chapter 27: Fight For Love

Start from the beginning

"You know I'll only and always love you." She confesses turning her head to kiss the palm of her hand. "But we should stop. We fought too much already. We can't win this." She chokes as tears start spilling down her eyes. She reaches up to cup Maxie's face as she sees those amber eyes shine with unshed tears. "I love you but we can't." She says with finality and sees the defeated look in Maxie's eyes. The girl nods pulling away from her and Amelia can physically feel the pain of being far away from her love.

"I understand." Maxie tells her, gives her a sad smile and it slowly breaks her resolve. "I wish you happiness Amelia. I love you." With that she watches the girl turn away from her. Amelia holds in a sob as she painfully watches her true love walking farther and farther away from her. With her heart breaking every step the girl takes, she forces herself to stay rooted in her place and not go after Maxie as much as her entire being is screaming at her to run after her.

"Make sure she doesn't get in." Her mom's yelling orders, useless orders if you asked her. She knows Maxie won't try and get in anymore. She sees someone stand beside her, she looks up to see it was her dad looking at her with concern in his eyes.

"Reminds me of that time." Her dad says vaguely making her frown. "Her father did the exact same thing." Still not following her dad, she looks at him in question. "Do you love Logan?" The question stuns her.

"What does love have to do with anything?" She responds weakly. Her dad gives her a gentle smile.

"Everything." He tells her, squeezing her shoulder before turning her to face him. "Go." A simple word but holds so much hope for her. "Don't worry about your mom, I'll handle her. Go." He nudges her forward and Amelia's feet starts moving towards the exit. She can hear her mom calling her, telling her to get back, telling the security personnel to stop her but she can also hear her dad's voice commanding them to stop and for once she's grateful her dad is on her side. She stops running to look around the parking area to find she's too late. She sighs and sniffles before she hears footsteps coming up behind her. She turns to look at whoever followed her to see Logan a few feet away.

"I'm sorry Logan." She faces him. "I can't marry you. I don't love you. I love her." She confesses and sees hurt flash in his eyes. She steps up to him, taking his hand and placing the engagement ring in his palm. Logan's eyes pleads her to stay but she knows her heart will only belong to Maxie. "Goodbye Logan." Amelia is getting good at saying goodbye, she notices. She pulls away and walks to her car, leaving the man standing there.

The ticking of the clock is the only sound that can be heard in the silent apartment. A hand reaches for the glass of scotch on the coffee table before the contents are drained in one gulp. Maxie reaches for the scotch bottle to refill her glass when a knock stops her hand midway. She frowns, not in the mood for any visitors and chooses to ignore it. Maybe whoever is on the other side will leave if they would think nobody's home. It was highly unlikely to be Lori considering she knows where the spare key is hidden so it could either be her mom, her dad or just someone she doesn't really care about. The knocking comes again but Maxie still chooses to ignore it instead and refills her glass before downing the drink in one go. She's not much of a drinker but after everything that had happened, she can let herself indulge in alcohol. She's grateful for her high tolerance in alcohol as she pours another glassful of scotch into her glass. When the knock comes again for the third time, she stands up angrily and walks briskly to the door. Ripping the door open she's ready to tell whoever is disturbing her to go fuck off only for the words to get stuck in her throat when she's met with Amelia.

Maxie frowns, shaking her head to clear it. She can't be that drunk for her brain to start hallucinating things. She closes her eyes, takes deep breaths and prepares herself. She's positive when she opens her eyes again, this hallucination will be gone and she'll be met by an empty hallway. Except when she does opens her eyes she's still there, standing with green eyes staring at her.

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