FOUR ; tolerance

733 10 0


"So the first episode was released to everyone's viewing pleasure," my girlfriend said through the phone.

I groan, sliding down the leather seat of the service. "Don't remind me. I'm on my way to filming the third episode? I think. Ugh, I can't believe we're only on the third episode. It feels like ages and I just want this to be over."

Rise's laugh fills my ears pleasantly and I can't help holding back a smile. "Oh, come on. It can't be that bad. I'm actually acquaintances with Risa so this is really fun. You're so... tense with her, it's adorable."

I scoff incredulously. "You find this cute?"

Rise gives me a little hum of confirmation. "I don't mind any of this now that I know that Risa's your pretend wife. We're like, twins or something with practically the same name. So loosen up, Yoongs. You look too stiff and that's what everybody else is saying as well."

"Whose 'everybody?'" I question.

"Dunno. My members. Your members. Netizens," Rise lists.

"Jesus, how many people watched this?" I groan. My manager's looking at me harshly, pretending like he can't catch every word I can even though he's staring at me through the rear view mirror.

"A lot of people. Believe it or not, Yoongs, you have fans. And they're really supportive of you and will watch whatever you're in. This included. Though, there's some hate circulating on Risa. And I was all like hell nah, ain't nobody gon' attack my doppelgänger sissy. But all the Japan forums are all hating on you so it's all fine. So to sum 41 it all up, y'all are all getting hate. At least the scandals are spiraling to a close," Rise continued to ramble on.

One of the things I liked about Rise was that she was straightforward and didn't care about what people thought. She was blunt and didn't hide if she disliked someone or something. And she stated facts.

She had helped me immensely on composing and producing songs. Although she had no experience on making music, she gave me the general public view and told me if she hated a song or how I could improve.

"Anyway, I have to go. We got a comeback in two weeks so we have to practice. But see you later. I'll call you tonight?" without waiting for my reply, she continued. "Just have some more fun with Risa, okay? I'm planning on messaging her and becoming friends with her. So I'd like us all to be friends. I never said you have to awkward around her. Just don't fall in love with her. I'm trusting you enough on that so loosen up a bit, Yoongs. Risa looks like she wants to be friends."

A shout can be heard from the distance and Rise rushes in a quick goodbye before hanging up abruptly.

My guess is that somebody- most likely Mancy- from Rise's group stole her phone and hung up.

I shrug and turn off my phone, stuffing it into my pocket.

Just don't fall in love with her. I'm trusting you enough on that so loosen up a bit...

I guess I have been a little too harsh on Risa. I tell myself to act more natural around her and loosen up a bit. Yeah, you can do it Yoongi. How hard can it be?

I may have underestimated my tolerance and Risa's determination.


Yoongi really doesn't seem to like me. Yet for some reason, he seems to be tolerating me now which is a step in the right direction.

I don't really understand why I have taken such determination and such interest on the idol, but there's just something about his stiff, uncomfortable demeanor that makes me want to get closer to him.

And I usually succeed with whatever I put my mind to.

Although part of the script, I gave myself a silent applause for asking Yoongi to teach me piano. He was cautious the first few minutes of sitting next to me on the same piano bench but he's loosened up once becoming submerged in the notes and keys of the piano.

Enthusiastically, he proceeded to instruct me on how to play the popular piano piece.

Truthfully, I played the piano when I was younger and Für Elise was my third grade recital piece. I quit piano once entering middle school but once playing again, I realized I still remembered the familiar notes of the piece I adored when I was younger.

I pretended I didn't, though. I hit wrong notes purposely and masked my knowledge with a clueless expression, asking if the notes I played were correct.

Yoongi seemed impressed with my ability to adapt and learn the piece so quickly. When we finally went through a few portion of the song and I played it, he actually looked to be enjoying himself. So who was I to burst his bubble and tell him that I could play well not because he was a good teacher but because I was an adequate actor and performer.

"Let's see how good I am at the violin," I say suddenly, standing from the piano and taking two long strides towards the violins located at the adjacent corner of where the piano sat.

I started learning the violin after realizing I missed playing an instrument throughout middle school.

I soon stopped playing after being scouted my junior year so I never reached my full potential, or was as good as I was in piano back in grade school.

Still, I picked up the violin carefully and tucked it under my chin, picking up the bow and playing an experimental note.

Yoongi winced at the noise produced.

One thing that was advantageous of the piano- there was no way to screw up a note by not applying enough pressure to a string, or not plowing enough air into a reed.

After a few more attempts, I was able to grasp how to play the violin enough to play 'Mary had a Little Lamb,' which could all be played on one string.

"Eh. Close enough," I say with a shrug.

Filming ended with a light mood and atmosphere. Yoongi stuck around and though he wasn't particularly engaging in conversation, he nodded and made an effort to listen.

I wonder why he was so willing now, knowing that he was far from happy during previous shootings but his change in personality flew out of my mind once I received a message from Rise.

Rise and I were dubbed as 'celeb sisters' due to our similar names and looks. She reached out to me when she was promoting in Japan with Wreath and we got in touch.

Soon, we stopped contacting one another but I still had her number in my phone.

She texted me again, just saying that she heard that I was in Korea filming and wishing me the best of luck.

She also apologized for Yoongi's behavior, saying she watched the recently aired episode of We Got Married. She promised that he'd get better and he just took some time opening up.

I appreciated the words of comfort, knowing that what Rise said couldn't possibly be true. She didn't know about Yoongi and his reason for participating on the show.

Rise: Anyway, just know that you have a Japanese friend in Korea who's willing to take you out for some sushi whenever you're free

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