THREE ; harsh

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Was I a little too harsh?

Probably. But at that time, I wasn't thinking straight. I was still registering that no, I hadn't gotten Rise as my partner but instead, RisA.

It was as if the production crew wanted me to screw up and call her Rise accidentally. I sigh and carry the ice skates that I had rented to the nearest bench. I don't know why we're even here but I don't like the idea of ice.

I didn't even get the chance to ask Risa if she was okay with acting along with me. Her eyes had widened after I told her I had a girlfriend and she practically bolted out of the place.

Or maybe that was my imagination. I had heard her manager calling for her.

I sigh in frustration and attempt to tie the skates. After a few minutes of struggling, a staff member decided to help me.

The door to the rink opened and I glance up to see Risa followed by a camera crew. Great. Looks like filming is going to start without us talking again, which is bad.

She approaches me, a slight look of hesitation on her face. Luckily, the cameras were behind her so they didn't capture her expression.

"Um, hi," she greets slowly. She's unsure. I give her a smile in return and she relaxes slightly. I'm not sure what she was expecting, really. I couldn't exactly go all silent-mode on her when we're filming, even though I want to.

"So were you the one who wanted to do this?" I ask, since Risa doesn't seem to want to strike up a conversation. "Because I never asked to be put in a freezing cold rink to learn how to skate."

Hurt flashed across Risa's face and I immediately felt bad. I guess I'm a little too harsh but I really don't like the cold.

"Oh, right, sorry. Yeah, I was the one who suggested it."

I apologize for being rude and her nervous and stiff posture fades as she realizes that at least on camera, I wouldn't lash out.

She gives me a smile and starts to lace up her skates expertly while I just watch.

A smile is still on her face as she reaches into her duffel bag and takes out a jacket.

And at that same exact moment, I just had to shiver slightly from the cold. I had to.

Risa notices. And offers me a jacket.

All the guilt that I had flew out the window. She knew I couldn't reject. She knew that this was a "couple" thing; something I wanted to avoid doing.

But then again, I guess we couldn't look fake. I accept the jacket grudgingly and slip it on. Even though I was angry, I was thankful since I was a lot warmer.

We receive a card that instructs us to skate. Just skate. This couldn't be so bad.

Until we started walking to the ice.

Risa was walking naturally but I, on the other hand, was practically hobbling over to the entrance. And I'm not even on ice yet.

I take my time gripping onto the wall that surrounds the slippery ice and taking a cautious step onto the ice. I slide forward and almost lose my balance, but luckily, the wall was there to catch me.

Risa was already skating in the middle before joining me. I tried to tell her to skate a little, hoping that I could be left alone for a few minutes, but she laughed and insisted on staying by my side.

We skated in not-so-comfortable silence, but I was okay with it. I could ignore Risa's presence if I focused and soon, I was lost in thought. Of how I had come to where I am now.

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