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"Y-you must be mistaken. Are you sure?" I asked, the words barely coming out of my lips.
"Yes! Two heartbeats, two heads. You have twins!" Sarah smiled widely. The word shot through my head. I couldn't even manage one child. How could I raise two human beings? I did have help from Yoongi, but let's get something straight, we're now 20 year olds. I'll be thirty when the child is ten.
"Oh god.." I muttered under my breath. I rested my arm over my head, rethinking all the possible ways this could go wrong, which happens with many of the things that happen to me.
"Boy? Girl?" I asked, looking up at the doctor. She squinted her eyes and looked closer to the screen. A wide smile spread across her face.
"Boy. Girl." She smiled, licking her lips. "You aren't happy?" She asked, probably seeing a trace of disappointment on my face.
"I'm a twenty year old now, Sarah! How could I manage this?" I said, throwing my arms up in the air.
"You do have the father, don't you? Oh, and who made half of this miracle happen?!" She asked. "Min Yoongi." I sighed. My mind had just flashed back to where it all began; I was sitting in my apartment, trying to sleep. His music was blasting through the ceiling. Thanks, MonstaX.
She squealedmind jumped up in the air. "Yay!" She yelped. "Aren't doctors suppose to be professional?" I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Not this one."
I had gotten home, and took a deep breath, waiting to share the news with Yoongi. This was it. I wondered what his reaction would be to twins.
"Yoongi..?" I asked, peering into the living room. There he was, reading a book. He looked up and smiled, placing his finger on the page. "Hi, Minsoo." He said. "Yoongi.. I have to tell you something." I sighed, plopping onto the couch. "Yeah?" He said, his smile sort of fading. "We're having.." I started. I knew this was going to be hard for him. "Twins." I slightly smiled, looking up at him. His face didn't change. It stayed in that same welcoming, familiar smile. "Good for us." He laughed, kissing my head.
There was always something about him that made me encouraged, that made me think the thought; 'We can do this! Come on, let's go!". You know? He's was the only one, the one to do this. And right now, that's exactly what was thinking.

THE NOTES.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora