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++It has been a month, and Yoongi and Minsoo are living happily in a new condo, with their soon-to-be baby.
"So.. When we we know the gender?" Yoongi asked rubbing Minsoo's stomach.
"Yoongi, that won't be for quite a while." Minsoo laughed.
"Right.." Yoongi muttered, looking embarrassed.
"So.. I guess no more note passing.. Wow. I haven't thought of that in a while.." Minsoo yawned. "Oh yeah. Do you still have them? I have some.." Yoongi laughed. "Um no!" Minsoo said, giggling. "Oh, Yoongi, um so I know the baby won't be coming for another eight months, but.. Names?" Minsoo smiled. "Oh sure." Yoongi said, kissing Minsoo on the forehead. "I was thinking, Minji? Kara? Yongu?" Minsoo said as she played with her hair. "Kara. I love it." Yoongi smiled. "I can't wait." They both whispered, kissing each other softly.


It was early, like real early. Yoongi had set up each and every one of the presents in a perfect castle. The presents included of baby things, more ARDENE, glasses, two books, more over-sized sweaters, and a gift from her parents for Minsoo, and a basketball, NIKE clothes, hats, and a glass ornament made by Minsoo for Yoongi. And there was more where that came from.
"Minsoo.. Minsoo, wake up! It's Christmas!" Yoongi whispered, lightly shaking Minsoo. Her stomach had grown a bit since November.
"Hmm?" Minsoo sounded. She got up, her eyes still closed, and slowly opened them, revealing a cute Yoongi bending over her, smiling. "Merry Christmas." She whispered, smiling.
They made French toast and eggs. Yoongi had brought Minsoo over to the tree, as she looked at the glimmering lights with hopeful eyes (bangfan_ ). "It's so perfect, Yoongi." Minsoo whispered as she crawled into his arms. "Minsoo, you're so perfect."

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