My Sweetheart

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Just a Fell!Poth fic



  Cupcake was in his room reading one of his books as he waited for his so called boyfriend to come over. Rurik just walks inside Cupcake's room, "Yo." Cupcake glanced at the other, "You're late..."

  Rurik smirked, "You know me, that and I was caught up a bit by my 'Ma' before I could leave." Cupcake rolled his eye setting his book down and stood up to walk over to his boyfriend. Rurik smiled and walked to his love and met him halfway.

  "Why do I put up with you?" Cupcake asked as he pulled Rurik into a hug. The taller of the two looked down at the other with a gentle look on his face.

  "You love me." He stated. The smaller skeleton smiled slightly, "I do." He leaned up and gave him a kiss to his cheek. Rurik nuzzled the other as he purred out, "And I love you." Cupcake purred happily nuzzling back, " you ever regret choosing me to go with you?"

  The germanic sounding skeleton pulled back to look the other in the eye, "No, if we had stayed there I may have been forced to hurt you. Even if that was the only way to keep you safe, I would rather be dust than to make you cry from sorrow and pain." He was honest with those words as he spoke them.

  Cupcake hugged Rurik tightly, remembering what happened that day. It scared him so much, "You're an idiot...but I was so scared." Rurik nodded, "Yeah, but I couldn't just stand by and let anything happen to you."

  Cupcake looked up at the other with a blush on his face, "But...that's my job" he playfully whined. The pine green clad skeleton smiled at the other's blush and playful whine and places a kiss on Cupcake's 'nose'.

  "Even so I did say that I would protect you no matter what." Cupcake let out a soft giggle as he did so and nuzzled his chest, "Always?" Rurik purred and nuzzled Cupcake's hood covered head before affirming, "Always my dear."

  Cupcake looked up at the other before he looked away nervously, "Even...if I'm weak and...u-useless...?" Rurik gave a small snarl at those words, "Cake, you are not weak nor are you useless! One of your parents is Death himself and the other managed to avoid dying! As their kid you have the power and will of both and very little of their weaknesses!" He held the other a bit closer.

  Cupcake broke down in soft sobs, wrapping his arms around Rurik tightly, it scared him so much when they walk into town, it felt like everyone was after him. The pine green clad skeleton gently rocked back and forth, "Shhhh. It's ok you're here and even if anybody tries to hurt you.... Well, they'll have to deal with your parents and myself, and they may not live to see another day."

  Cupcake reached up and gave him a deep kiss, holding onto him tightly. Rurik kissed back pouring his love into the kiss. Cupcake pulled him to his bed and returned the kiss pouring all of his love into the kiss for the green clad skeleton.

  The germanic sounding skeleton purred sitting down and pulling the other onto his lap. The smaller skeleton pulled away from the kiss to look at him before he gave a shy smile and blush.

  Rurik smiled and gave the other a hug and a nuzzle. Cupcake nuzzled back letting out a soft giggle. Rurik pulled back, "I love you."

  "I love you too, Rurik." He replied as he stole another kiss. Rurik began peppering Cupcake's face with kisses.

  Cupcake laughed under the gentle kisses that he received. "I will do everything that I can do to protect you, no matter what." He promised. Cupcake rested his forehead against the other's looking at him with trust and love, "Promise me that you won't get yourself killed, please? I don't want to lose you."

  Rurik spoke, "I can't promise that but I can promise that I'll try my hardest in all my battles, just so I may have a chance to come back home to you." Cupcake cupped his cheeks before he leaned in and gave Rurik a passionate kiss. The taller skeleton kissed back with the same passion.

  "Just promise me that you will ask me to marry you, before you do fight?" He asked as he pulled away from the kiss after a minute. Rurik pulled out a ring box from his pocket, "I was gonna ask you today so that I have even more of a reason to try harder."

  Cupcake gasped as he saw the ring box, he looked up at Rurik with misty eyes, he didn't expect that Rurik would have the ring ready so quickly.

  "I have been planning on asking you for quite a few years now." Rurik gave a smile, his eyes full of love.

  Cupcake was loss for words, "You planned this for a few years...?"

  "Actually since we were kids." He admitted with a blush. Cupcake blushed as well, "You loved me for that long?" Rurik nodded too flustered to talk. Cupcake blushed brighter, "Rurik..." he smiled at him, "I love you so much...of course I will marry you!"

  Rurik lets out a happy laugh and kissed his love. Cupcake returned the kiss and hugged him tightly. The green clad skeleton purred as he pulled the ring from the box and holds it out to Cupcake.

  Cupcake gladly slipped the ring on his finger before he playfully pushed Rurik down as he began to pepper him with kisses. He was laughing and returning the kisses he got. "I know you can be romantic, but I didn't know you could be this romantic." Cupcake grinned.

  "I'm always willing to surprise you mi amore~." Rurik purred.

  Cupcake chuckled a bit "Parler la langue d'amour que je vois." ("Speaking the language of love I see.")

  Rurik purred back, "Comme je l'ai dit, je suis toujours prêt à vous surprendre mon amour~." (Like I said, I'm always willing to surprise you my love~.)

  Cupcake giggled as he began to rub his love's chest, "I love you, you dork." Rurik nuzzled the other, "I love you too, my sweet."


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