"Really?" Alfred had never heard of such a thing before, the Bat-cave was just too fortified to be infiltrated without warning or inside knowledge. "I suppose it is a good thing you left your phone down stairs today master Bruce."

Bruce tilted his head to the side, thinking. "Yeah I guess it was. Anyway, Danny here got a bit scuffed up so I would like to get him some proper clothes and let him use our guest bedroom." Bruce nudged Danny out from behind him, Danny complied but shook visibly with his head lowered and breaths coming in short, silent gasps.

"Excellent idea master Bruce. Might I suggest he eat some food?" Alfred said, not forgetting seeing Danny's bony form. Bruce nodded and looked down to Danny who had opened his eyes but only to look at the floor.

"Do you want something to eat Danny? Alfred can cook basically anything." Danny frowned (more so than he already was), he had never eaten much, but if he were to eat again he was sure he would explode. Danny shook his head.

Bruce let a small sad sigh slip. "Alright then. Thanks anyways Alfred." He then looked thoughtfully to the cuts along Danny's face. "But I do think we need some band-aids."

Danny cocked his head to the side, confused at what a band-aid was. Alfred nodded and left the room, quickly coming back with a small box. He set the box on the table and opened it, Alfred's quick movements were concerning the child, he was beginning to be more panicked by the moment. Danny eyed the box apprehensively, waiting for the tools that hurt him to come out, nothing good ever came from boxes. Instead he got out a roll of bandages and a few thin paper like things.

Danny took a step backwards as his face drained of all color, hiding behind Bruce again.

"It's ok Danny, we're trying to help." Bruce was quick to console him. Seeing that Bruce was telling the truth, Danny stepped forward hesitantly. Bruce sat down at one of the chairs and grabbed the roll of bandages, he motioned Danny forward and the white haired halfa took another few steps.

Bruce didn't bother with removing Danny's shirt, he figured Danny would want to keep his scars to himself. Also the cloth around the wounds had been burned away, leaving the discolored skin exposed to the open air. He wound the cloth around Danny's left shoulder, Danny jerked away with a hiss at the first contact but otherwise stayed still and quiet.

Then Bruce went to the halfas injured right foot and leg, Bruce went over the bandage already there. Then he put a rather large band-aid over the burn marks on Danny's face. There were other burns and cuts scattered over Danny's body but Bruce only put band-aids on them, they were too scattered and small for full bandages, band-aids would do. Danny felt so weird with all the extra layers of fabric, also weird because someone was taking care of him, usually he'd do this himself.

Once satisfied, Bruce put away all the bandages. Alfred put the chair back into place when Bruce left, getting too close to Danny. The white haired halfa jumped back, heart thumping, hands up, ready to block any incoming blows.

"No need for that master Daniel, I certainly won't be doing you any harm." The butler said, a little perplexed and concerned.

Danny let his stance melt away but watched the old man from the corner of his eye. Bruce entered the room again and only paused when Alfred talked to him again.

"I do believe your phone is still in the basement master Bruce." Alfred informed, Bruce nodded and then steered Danny towards the stairs, the halfa returning his hand to the billionaires.

"We don't have an elevator here. I could carry you, do you want me to carry you?" Bruce asked the small child still clinging to his arm. Danny looked at the large grand staircase and his frown deepened. He did not want to go up those stairs with his bad leg, but he didn't want to be carried either. Danny decided he might as well let Bruce carry him.

A Chance to Trust (YJ/DP)Where stories live. Discover now