"What?" Salina asked bossy.

"Did you get everything?" Liam asked.

"Yes!" She walked away.

They all walked out to the lobby. Liam threw the card to the lady and ran out of the hotel to the court house.

When they got to the court house they had to climb a flight of stairs to enter the building. While Liam was running up in a hurry he accidentally skipped a step and he thought he was gonna die. They all continued to walk in. When they got in they had to remove everything that would buzz in the human scanner. They saw the other group on the other side of the scanner walking to the elevator up to the court room. Olivia walked in first. Salina followed after her. Liam walked through it third and last was Zayn. They grabbed all their things in the bucket and walked to the elevator to get up to the court room. When the elevator came to them they all got on it and the door closed behind them. They had to go three floors up. They stood there quiet listening to the elevator music. Olivia started laughing at the music.

"What's so funny?" Liam said looking at her.

"Nothing..... It's just an inside joke with my mother, and my sister." Olivia giggled.

The elevator stopped and the door opened. They walked to the room they were told their order was gonna he held. Olivia sat on the front table with Zayn. At the other table sat the guy that threatened Niall and his dad. The rest sat in the crowd. They noticed Niall's parents and his brother in the court room. There were other people there Niall knew that they didn't. Niall came in with two officers. He was in a bright orange jail suit. They seated him right next to the jury. The officers moved away. Niall looked at Olivia. He looked very serious. He looked mean and injured. He had a big black eye and a scar on his arm.

'That is not a place for him.' Olivia thought to herself.

"Everybody riiiisssseeee. The jury is coming out." Said a man by the door the judge came out of.

She sat in her high seat next to Niall. Niall didn't move a bit. He sat there looking off in the distance. He was very pale and he had a big bottom lip. His mum was in the back crying, not quietly but she tried. The judge sat down and everyone else did after her.

"Okay, so Niall is here because he was in his store with a gun nearly killing this man. But this man also had a gun and was treating to kill Niall."

"Mam! Niall didn't do anything!" Olivia shouted.

"It's not your turn young lady." The jury said.

Olivia stayed quiet. Niall was still looking in the distance.

"How did this start, Mr. Ben?" The jury asked the guy. Know we know his name is Ben.

He stood up. "He killed my sister. I didn't like that. So we got in a fight at his store."

"Who brought the weapons out?" Asked the judge.

"He took his out of his desk." The man said.

Olivia looked at him with a devious face.

"Okay sir. Was there any harm done to you?" She asked him.

"No mam." He said.

"Okay Niall." The jury said. "Why did you take out your weapon?"

"Your honor, I took mine out for self defense. It had no bullets in it whatsoever. I also own a gun license." Niall answered.

Olivia smirked.

"Self defense eh." The jury said. "So he brought his weapon in first."

"I object!!" The man stood up and shouted.

"Sir, it's not your turn."

"So what exactly happened Niall?" The judge asked.

"For the truth. I was working my regular job with my dad. It was near lunch so my dad had left to get lunch. While he was gone Mr. Ben ran through my store with his truck and jumped out with a gun in his hand....."

"Mam!" Ben said.

"Ben." The jury looked at him. "Go on Niall."

"Thank you mam. I pulled out my gun out of my desk for self defense. I wasn't gonna do anything it was only to threaten. I didn't want anyone in my store to get harmed so I pushed him outside. He obviously had a knife with him and he cut my arm." Niall exclaimed.

"May I see the cut?" She asked.

Niall showed her the cut on his arm and she looked shocked.

"Okay thank you Niall!" She said. "Sir let me hear your half of the story."

"I went over their cause he killed my sister!" The man said standing up furiously.

"Niall did you kill his sister!?" The judge asked.

"No mam." Niall said.

"What really happened to your sister? Why do you think he killed her?" She asked.

"Because when he was breaking up with her it was very cruel." Ben said.

"How did you kill her Niall?" The judge asked.

"I didn't kill her. She harmed herself because she felt bad after the break up. I didn't want her to do that." Niall said looking up at her.

"Mr. Ben is this true?" She asked.

"Yes mam but....." Ben said.

"That's all I need from you right now Ben." The jury said looking back down at Niall.

"Niall you know it's not right to escape jail though? Your gonna have to spend some time in there."

Niall nodded. "Yes mam, I will pay my consequences."

Ben looked mad at Niall. He pulled a stick out and threw it at Niall, but missed and hit the wall behind him. The cops came after him and brought him out of the court.

Everyone was shocked. Is it finished now? What do we do?

"Okay. Niall you will only need to spend two nights here and Ben is going to prison for a while." The judge hit her hammer on the desk and walked off. Olivia ran over to Niall.

"Why were you there for me after I accused you of putting me in this place?" Niall asked.

"You don't need a reason to help people." Olivia smiled.

Niall stood up and hugged Olivia.

"I could mane I thousand reasons why I hate you, but I could name a million reasons why I love you." He whispered in her ear.

She smiled.

"Same." She whispered back.

Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan) A.U.Where stories live. Discover now