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30 November 2015

Dear Kushina

Its been awhile since the last I've written to you my friend?
Ek ken ek moet elkedag geskryf maar jy ken my lewe was busig.

You know obviously I'm in matric and I don't have much time on my hands because grade 12 is the most important year of your life to determine if you can make it to adult world or not?Right now you are probably rolling your eyes at me and saying that is bullshit and I know it.

Yes I haven't wrote because my life is a huge fucking gemors right now. All I've ever wanted was to finish school ,go to Wits and move out of Eldoz man but nou dis drama galore!!

You think that the Kardashians has drama but mine takes the cup. It all started when I met this guy met die lekker accent. There's the bomb for you..

Why are you surprised Red hot honebero? Yes the gender I "despised" except for my twin bro even though he annoys the shit out of me!!!! I should have listened to my gut when it told me that ou was nothing but trouble for me!!!

But Eish,what can we do its part of life neh? I don't know what went on in that 'Big Man's' head when he brought this guy to me? Was he brought to me to drag me down(I love that song get the pun) or was to kept me focused bcoz all I know is that he hit my life with a ding dong!!!

You think the Chicago boyz was kak maar die ou vat die titeel vir my. This person was a silent storm I'd never expected. Just thinking about him makes me happy but pissed off at the same time.

I'd guess this saying is true: "Love all but trust no one" or "When days are dark friends are few my skeem

Enough about that let me skeem how it all began.....

It all started when....

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