"Plans"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V

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"There,that should stop them for awhile." I replied as I  kept on running after Jason. I looked up and saw the jeep stop. Harry yelled behind me. "What exactly did you do?" he asked but I just smiled. "My oldest trick of course." I replied back.

Nataile laughed cause she  knew what I liked to do but Harry just didnt say anything and tunred his attntion back to Harry. Jason hasn't spoken a word through this whole thing,and Fire has been slowing us down thats why Harry is with  him in the back.

I looked up at the sky and we were definetly running out of time. For what felt like an hour we were running in complete silence until fianllly i can see the house.

Jason suddenly stoppped and i felt so good to stop. I layed my hand down on my knees and took in a deep breathe.

"Whats the plan Jason." Smauel asked and it took me a back since Smauel the domunis here,but I guess Jason did  have more power.

"Hanna,Natalie,Samuel you guys are with me.Basically we  are goign to ring on his front door and see if he lets us in."

"WHAT!" Harry yelled and we all had to shush him,in case this Kohl guys here. "Sorry its just,he is not going to let us in thorugh his front door." 

Jason girnnned. "So exactly for Plan B,you Harry are goign to see if there is another way we can get in,with Fire over there."

Harry looked at Fire,and you can some hate there. "Lets go." Harry said as he tugged on Fire rope.When Harry was a good distnace away from us I asked the questions that has been buring in my head ever since Jaosn said. 

"Jason how exactly is Fire goign to help us?"

Jason looked at me,and then at all of us. "He is going to help Ally remember what exactly happen to Will." 


a/n: I Shal not be internet range for awhile,sorry guys so i cant update..btu i shall as soon as can.!=]

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