Chapter 4 / Friends.

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It was half pasted Seven and Yoongi had finally pulled up to Hoseoks house, the mint haired boy parking his motorcycle as he let his gaze linger. The front of Hoseoks House had the greenest grass the older male had ever seen and just by the size of the house alone he knew that Hoseoks family was probably loaded and It made Yoongi feel a little out of place as he took of his helmet and basically gawked around the nice neighborhood until Hoseoks voice caught his attention.

" Thanks for giving me a ride home Yoongi, I had fun. "

After taking off the spare helmet, Hoseok smiled warmly towards yoongi, his hands held out the helmet towards Yoongi before placing his hands behind his back shyly when the older male took the helmet from him. Hoseok couldn't deny it, he actually had a good time and it showed all over his face as he held his sunflower between his fingers.

" No problem Princess, you owe me another date tomorrow. "

" D-don't call me Princess! And I-Its not a date! We're just two friends going out. "

"Oh? So we're going out? "

" Yoongi! "

"Alright, Alright. Friends Is perfect, I'm glad. "

Holding his hands up In playful defense, Yoongi gave a chuckle as he seen Hoseoks cheeks turn a faint slight shade of scarlet, the younger male was obviously flustered about the situation and the yoongi couldn't help but find him cute.

" Hoseok, can I have your number? "

" My number? "

Glancing upwards, brown orbs would focus on Yoongi, Hoseoks blinking curiously towards the older male as he tiled his head slightly as If thinking ' why? ' and yoongi explained himself then.

" Yeah, so I can text you. "

Now Cracking a smile, the ravens head nodded lightly to the older males question and the way Yoongi had rubbed the back of neck nervously had Hoseok chucking softly.

' So even yoongi can get nervous. '

" Here, let me see your phone."

Watching Hoseok hold out their hand, Yoongi quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to the younger male who then typed their number into the device and handed It back with a smile.

" There, you better text me. "

" You know I will, have a nice night princess. "

Yoongi winked then and laughed softly at the way Hoseok got embarrassed, the older male Placing his helmet back on and starting his motorcycle as he gave one last wave to Hoseok and drove off.

' Min Yoongi...'

Hoseok glanced at his flower and smiled wildly before quicky heading up his drive way and quietly opening the front door to his house and Almost Immediately his mother's voice rang out as she popped her head out from the Kitchen.

" Hoseok honey, where have you been? You're ten minutes late, how come you didn't call ? "

" Mom. "

Hoseok whined and his mother gave him a look, a look that made hoseok quickly say " sorry " before heading up to his room, luckily she hadn't seen the plushies behind his back and once In the comfort of his room Hoseok sighed softly and held the flower close before Jumping slightly when his phone vibrated within his pocket and hoseok pulled the device out of his pocket.

Yoongi 🌻:
Don't forget about tomorrow.

Yoongi 🌻:
Sweet dreams princess.

Hoseok 👑:
I won't forget, goodnight Yoongi.

Hoseok 👑:
And don't call me princess!

Yoongi 🌻:
Says the person who put a crown next to their name.

Hoseoks huffed then and flung his phone on the bed In playful anger, his eyes watching as the device bounced off the bed and hit the floor just as another message came In and the ginger was quick then to go and retrieve his phone from the side of the bed.

Yoongi 🌻:
Oh yeah, bring something warm tomorrow, It's gonna be cold were we are going.

Smiling, hoseok felt excited, curiosity building with the younger and silently he wondered where Yoongi was going to take him tomorrow.

" Hoseok Honey! Dinners ready. "

" Coming ! "

Yelling, hoseok plugged In his phone and set the device on the nightstand before making his way downstairs and Into the dinning room where he was greeted with his father already seated and his mother still placing bowls and plates onto the table.

Hoseok took a seat In his usual spot and shifted a bit, looking between his father and his mother as she finally sat down and smiled, here It comes.

" So, why were you late honey? Did your club activities end late? "

The polite tone only hid her growing worry and slight anger, Hoseok noticed this, he knew how they were about him and school and being a good ' Kid '.

' Good kids don't worry there parents and come home at late hours. '

He heard his mother's voice play out In his head and hoseok picked at his dinner.

" I went over to Taehyungs house after school, I didnt mean to not ask you guys first, sorry. "

" Ah, miss Kims son, he's a good kid. "

Hoseok father said with a smile and hoseok silently thanked him for somewhat trying to calm his mother down.

" Still, hoseok you need to call us honey, I don't like not knowing where you are, there are weirdos out there you know. "

' Yoongi Isn't a weirdo...'

" I'll call next time, I promise mom, um, but since where on the subject. "

Hoseok gave his mother a sweet smile and she immediately knew that her son wanted something.

" Can I go over to Taehyungs house after school again tomorrow, please mom, please. "

Hoseok basically begged and his mother shared a look with her husband before she nodded her head and Hoseok all but cheered, mentally of course.

" BUT. You need to text me when you get there and text me when You're on your way back and you can't stay out pasted ten because of school. "

She stated and Hoseok pouted a bit but agreed with a small nod because at least now he'd get to spend time with yoongi tomorrow. After all, what his parents didnt know, wouldn't hurt them right?

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