Chapter 3 / Sunflower

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"If I win In no more then two tries,  you have to go out with me again tomorrow, Deal? "

" Okay, Deal "

Third Person POV

" Come dearest, I want something out oooof, this one! "

Yoongi was amused,  he never picked Hoseok as someone to tease another person but the mint haired boy couldn't help but laugh and shake his head as Hoseoks attics, finding it cute as the Raven pulled him along and pointed out one of he many claw machines, of course it was one that held really tiny stuffed animals,  you know the ones you know are only there to eat your money because the claw doesn't pick up for shit,  yeah that one.

" You sure you want something out of here? I mean... "

Glancing over the contents of the machine Yoongi didn't get what Hoseok liked so much In here,  there was a bunch of little plushies, a sun flower with a happy face,  a black cat with a red bow and a cute green snake with a blush and its tongue sticking out.

" The snake looks kinda cute,  How about that one? "

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!  you win me a snake and I will Hobble you!  I hate snakes..."

Shivering softly,  Hoseok would shake his head and glare playfully towards Yoongi,  who In turn laughed hysterically and ruffled Hoseoks hair.

"Alright, Alright. How about the sunflower? "

Tilting his head,  Yoongi would watch as Hoseok looked a little confused and a bit unpleased with that choice as well, the Ravens frame shifting a bit as he gave a questioning look. 

"Why would you wanna give me a smiling sunflower? "

"Hmmm,  because It Reminds me of you ~ Happy,  bright, always smiling. I like that about you. Now shhh, I gotta concentrate Princess. "

Feeling his face become a tomato, Hoseok would find himself at a loss of words,  the ravens lips parting and pressing together a couple times before finally protesting against Yoongi after a long moment of silence.

" D-Don't call me Princess!  "

" Ah,  I got It. "

"Excuse Me? "

Falling silent,  Hoseok would watch as Yoongi looked on curiously, almost surprisingly as the older male bent down and grabbed the stuffed Sunflower out of the machine before waving it happily towards a stunned Hoseok.

"I said I got It,  one go ~ I believe you own me another date tomorrow Mr Vice President."

Handing the prize to Hoseok,  Yoongi would watch as Hoseok held the Sunflower, quietly the Raven would Internally scream as he gave a defeated sigh. How does he keep getting himself deeper and deeper Into this.

"Alright,  A deals a Deal BUT! I gotta be home before 7 got it. "

Playfully hitting Yoongis arm with the sunflower, Hoseok would stop suddenly, the ravens reaction making Yoongi grow silent as he gave a questioning look towards Hoseok.

"What Is It?"

"Yoongi,  tell me It's not almost 7"

"Shit,  Is that curfew like an everyday thing? Because you got 20 minutes. "

"Yoongi! My parents are gonna hit the ceiling If I'm not home when they get off work! "

"Alright, Alright! Ah,  I can fix this,  come on! "

Tugging at Hoseoks arm,  Yoongi would quickly pull the Raven along with him, Hoseok stumbling forwards a bit as they left the mall with haste, the two soon walking up towards Yoongis motorcycle and hoping on.

"Quickly give me your address  and Hold on,  Tightly. "

Giving Yoongi half of his address, Hoseok would find himself cutting off his sentence to the older males last sentence, Hoseok giving a small "Huh?" Before finding himself In the same Position he was In the first time he was on Yoongis motorcycle, screaming his lungs out and clinging to Yoongi for dear life as the mint haired male only chuckled lowly and placed one of his hands over Hoseoks that were around his Torso.

' I could get used to this. '


Le gasp! I updated, guys the world's gonna end ~ 〣( ºΔº )〣

Guys I feel my chapters are short, I'm sorry about that,  I'm trying to make them longer, Honestly.

But I hope you enjoyed anyways ~ ♡≥﹏≤♡ Sorry for taking forever and a day to update and I will be getting to everyone's Request, Promise! This lazy Bean hasn't forgotten (・´з'・)

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