Chapter 1 / Hoseok

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Hoseok POV

I felt envious, I knew he had caught my gaze but I couldn't help It really. Here I was, Jung Hoseok, Student Council Vice President, a "good" kid, a straight ' A ' student with a calm, peaceful and "normal" life. And then, there He was, Min Yoongi, the schools deliquent who always missed classes, showed up late, never did his homework, got into fights and was for lack of a better word was a "bad" kid. So why was I, dare I say jealous, yes jealous, I was completely and utterly jealous of the schools "bad boy" because to me, he had the life I wanted, maybe not all of it but mostly the freedom.

Min Yoongi could come and go as he pleased, he could go out with his friends without his parents breathing down his neck like mine, he could do dumb things like going to party's or just staying out all night, though It wasn't that I wanted to follow suit Into these choices but they were choices and I'd like to at least get the choice to say yes or no to them even If my answer was the latter. I just wanted to do things and make choices on my own without my parents say In the matter for once but the funny thing Is, I didn't really expect to get that chance so soon.

'Why Is he coming over here?!'

Tighten my hold upon the strap of my bookbag, I'd avert my gaze, looking anywhere then towards a curtain mint haired male who was pulling up towards me on his motorcycle in a totally not cool at all way.


"Are you waiting for someone?"

He sounded tired but the tone of his voice actually made me a bit nervous, not only did he look cool but his voice was kind of nice as well. Letting my gaze fall upon the other, I'd quickly Remember Yoongi had asked me a question, the short interval of silence hanging a bit too heavy as I finally nodded my head In response before quickly thinking over my stupid anwser and wanting to correct myself.

"Yes--I mean, no! no...I'm not waiting for anyone. I'm um, catching the bus home."

"The bus?"

Why did he seem confused? did no one take the bus anymore? not everyone had a car or fancy motorcycle to ride about In. Nodding to his question I'd watch as he let out a small laugh. was he laughing at me? because It sure wasn't with me, was he going to call me lame or something for taking the bus home? well whatever.

"You don't have to laugh me, not everyone can offered a way to get around you know."

It wasn't uncommon for me to get laughed at by others but for some reason having Yoongi of all people laugh at me, It hurt a bit and made me storm off, walking home wasn't that bad and at least I'd get anyway from him.

"Whoa, Hoseok wait a moment."

Shifting my gaze I'd Watch Yoongi pull up beside me, following me slowly on his motorcycle whilst giving an apologetic look which only made me glance away. I didn't want to give In and forgive him so quickly.

"Are you going to follow beside me all the way home or something?"

"I wasn't laughing at you, you know. I was laughing because the bus already left without you. I guess you were to pre-occupied with staring at me to notice? If you'd like, I could give you a ride?"

This time I couldn't help but stare Into his brown eyes, my expression that of shock and embaressment as I halted upon the sidewalk. Yoongi was grining, I could tell he enjoyed my reaction to his teasing and that only proved to make me more peeved with this Hyung.

"I-I knew that! Thats why I'm walking home Inst-- Wait, what?"

Did I hear right? Theres no way he said what I think he did, right?

"I said, do you want a ride? home that Is, unless you'd like to go somewhere else?"

I was speechless. I couldn't believe he actually offered to give me a lift home and I found myself gulping a bit whilst I eyed Yoongis motorcycle, I'd be lying If I said It didn't scare me a little.

"On that?"

"Yeah, what else?"

The laugh he had given me before holding out a helmet was something that made me blush softly, my hand grasping the plastic, grip tightening as I hesitently walked off the side walk and stood next to Yoongi.

'Am I really doing this? Really about to mount this guys motorcycle without a single reasonable thought as to what might happen?'

"You coming?"

"Ah, yeah...yeah I am."

"Good, Hold on tight."

Slipping on the helmet, I'd position myself behind yoongi before shifting a bit. I wasn't really sure where to place my hands at first so I just held onto the olders jacket but as soon Yoongi pulled off I imediately wrapped my arms around his torso, my head resting against his back as the sound of terror that left my lips had Yoongi laughing and I silently wondered what I had gotten myself Into.

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