Meeting with Vongola Nono (Tsuna)

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I was sweating a little now. They are getting a little too close for comfort!

"Maybe you're overthinking this a little to--" I began but was cut off by none other than Reborn.

"Gokudera may be right." Reborn suddenly appeared out of nowhere as usual and hopped onto my head, making himself comfortable. "I have a feeling that Cielo's nearby, watching our every move. Though, I'm not sure what his motive is. Still, it irks me that Cielo thinks he can spy on the World's #1 Hitman and get away with it? No one messes with me and not pay the price." Reborn smiled menacingly, revealing a chill aura around him that made us all flinch.

The first bell rang and we hurried to class before the skylark can hunt us down.


I went home with the others but stayed a few meters behind the group. Even though we went through so much together yesterday, they did not know that it was me but Cielo. I felt a little left out because they always have to be careful around me, watch what they say. Though I understand the reason why, I can't help but feel sad. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm only going to be here till I finish whatever I have to do. The less attachments I have, the better.

"What's on your mind? You're not thinking of something stupid again are you?" Reborn settled on my head with a pleasing smile.

"No. Why would you say that?" I asked, plastering a smile to my face.

"You can't fool me Aho-Tsuna. It's written all over your face."

"Oh...." I didn't have a comeback for that.

We settled into a comfortable silence as we walked home. Reborn sitting on my head the whole way back. This seems like his new resting spot for him. But I was glad to have his quiet company beside me.

It made me miss the times where Reborn was always by my side because he was my tutor. Always torturing me, pushing me on and encouraging me to fight for what's important. The longing to go back home to see everyone again was so great, it felt suffocating but I swallowed all my thoughts, pushing them back down to the depths of my heart.

I'm here for a reason and I plan to find out what is it so I can get back to my real home with my real family....

The moment was broken when we reached home. Natsu walked in first, followed by his guardians and I. Reborn had hopped off my head and onto Natsu's shoulders when we entered, leaving me with a sense of loneness inside but I quickly brushed it off.

"Tadaima Na-kun and I see you got your friends with you~" Nana-san smiled at each of them, but ignored me and returned her gaze to Natsu.

"Why are you so happy Kaa-san and why is there so much food on the table?" Natsu pointed at the table filled with Kaa-san's homemade specialties.

"Oh Na-kun! Your dad's coming home today! And he bought someone important to him over to visit!"

"Whaa!! He's coming back? But he's only been away for like what? 2 months or so? Why is he suddenly coming back? And with who?" Natsu questioned his mom but she had already turned her back to us, walking back to the kitchen to whip up more of her homemade dishes.

Great, he's back again?

It's not that I harbor any ill feelings towards Iemistu-san or anything. Or Nana-san for that matter. I don't but it's just sad to see a familiar face treating me so cold. Back in my world, even though Tou-san wasn't around much, me and Kaa-san get by well and happy each day. Kaa-san was always smiles and love for me but here, everything is different in a cruel way. The face is the same but her attitude isn't, same with Iemitsu-san. That's why I refuse to call them my parents but by their names. This is to remind myself that they are not my parents, they'll never be.

A Second Chance (Under Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن