Chapter 1 -"Sacred Dream"(3)

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          As I wonder what she is. I was also curious about what she mumbled about before. So I sat down and took my time thinking about what she could've said.

          But suddenly, the music stopped. And I realized that the "me" playing the piano stopped playing. Suddenly I felt like something bad happened to the "me" playing the piano.

          So I ran towards the place where I was playing.

           But the more I ran, the place behind me starts to crack. And suddenly the cracks caught up to me and the whole recital disappeared and turned all black.

          I suddenly woke up. And unexpectedly, I woke up in a hospital bed. There was no one else other than me in that hospital room.

          And as I was curious, I went outside my room. And I walked through the hall as I check if there was any people other than me.

          But my thoughts were correct, there were no one else except me there.

          But I was curious about why I woke up on a hospital bed in an empty hospital. So I kept walking through the halls.

Suddenly all the lights in the halls flicker and busts.
It all went black and, I suddenly realized that I was in the same place where I woke up for the first time.

          In that time I was so confused-

"Is this a dream?"
"Was I dreaming too when I woke up in a hospital bed?"
"What is this? Why am I here again? Didn't I just wake up?"

          As I continued to question myself. Again...

          That same feeling from before. The feeling of being preyed upon by something.

          Afraid of the feeling, I began to run and run. Until I finally feel a presence in front of me.

          Unknown of what it is, I just kept running with the assumption that I wouldn't discover anything by stopping.

          But...  It hit, I ran and I hit "it"

          It felt like I was cornered, like that was the end of the road.

          As the feeling kept getting tenser and tenser. I started to tremble, cried with all my might. And I screamed for help.


          But unexpectedly, I heard a noise.

          It was a chuckle, and the voice was so familiar. It felt like I have heard that laughter somewhere before.

"Hihihi... told you,-


          And at that time, I only had a single thought...


To Be Continued

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