The Red Eyes

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They say that the eyes are the doorway to your soul. A way of seeing what a person is truly like. Johnny didn't know this, nor would he have cared much if he did. He lived his life too fast, never once stopping to sit and look around him.

Maybe if he had, he would have noticed the eyes. The eyes staring at him, getting ever closer. The blood red eyes, lusting after every ounce of his mortal being.

He woke up at 7, got dressed, went to work, came home at 6, ate dinner, watched TV and then slept. Then, he woke up at 7, got dressed, went to work, came home at 6, ate dinner, watched TV and then slept. He was a circuit, never breaking, just continuing within the same old loop, wearing away his life, one day at a time.

The Red Eyes drew ever nearer, but Johnny was oblivious. And this time they weren't in a field half a mile away. This time, they were on a roof top, across the boulevard, watching him.

This time, Johnny woke up. He'd heard something in the next room. He checked, but nothing was there. He crawled back into bed, but not before noticing the Red Eyes.

He lay there, watching the Red Eyes, with them in turn watching back. He couldn't get to sleep that night, and so he was tired the next morning.

So he did the usual. Went to work. Came home. Ate dinner. Watched tv. But this time, he checked for the Red Eyes before sleeping. He noticed the eyes weren't there. “All in my head!” he muttered, before crawling under the safe haven that was his duvet.

He closed it eyes, and slept. Again, he heard the same noise he heard the night before, and went to check it. Again, it was nothing. Closing his eyes for the final time, he heard a deafening scream. This time when he opened his eyes, he wasn't in his 4th floor apartment, he was standing in a hallway, dimly lit with candles laid out on the floor. He was at the back wall, and with no door behind him, he was forced to go through the door at the other end of the hallway.

As he approached the door, he noticed 2 red marks. Side by side, they haunted him, although he hadn't known why. Ignoring this, he opened the door, and walked through. It closed behind him, and all of a sudden, all the light drained from the room, leaving only a pair of red dots in the distance.

He tried turning back, but every time he moved, the dots moved too. Not only moving to face him, but moving closer and closer.

Eventually, the eyes were directly in front of him, inching forward by the second. Johnny accepted his eventual death with grace, sat down, and closed his eyes.

He opened to see if it was any nearer to him than before, and saw only a white wall. He looked, and saw his usual window, with the usual sun filling his usual room.

He got up, and muttered, “All in my head...” and stumbled towards the door.

But he stopped, frozen in his tracks. What he saw terrified him beyond belief.

On his closet door, he saw 2 red marks, like the one in his dream. He slowly opened the door, and saw a small, dark figure with only 2 Red Eyes.

He saw the Red Eyes, and the Red Eyes saw him.

And neither one of them liked what they had seen.

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