Let's Play~

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Before the story I just wanted to let you guys know that this was done by the user ALCHEMICACCIDENT. From their previous works I've been impressed, so I decided to publish one (with their consent of course). I hope you enjoy! Be sure to check their profile out if you like this one for more. -Riko

Hey there Uh....This is all new to me so excuse me if I'm a little awkward with posting my story...Um...A-Anyways....My name Is...Dakota Brycen Winchester...I Uh, I come from a small town in Hertfordshire England and well....I'm here to tell you guys the story of what happened to me when I first moved to Florida.

See I came here to Florida when I was like 16, and I started going to a HUGE Highschool and I lived on campus with my Boyfriend ((Who coincidentally ended up being my roommate)), His name was Kyle, Anyways we lived on campus for the whole school year, but when it came down to summer vacation I'd stay with him at his house a few miles away from the school, And well let's just say living with your 6'8 well toned and well muscled boyfriend..Noooot much seems like it'll hurt you as long as he's around...But....Even with him around....He can't protect you from /Everything/ that goes bump in the night.~Update 1hr ago~Oh fuck sorry I got hella distracted and forgot to actually start the story! Sorry! Anyways..It was about....I dunno...May? June? Somewhere between then, but summer had just started and me and My boyfriend were enjoying the cool air conditioning of his house when he suddenly got a text from one of his coworkers ((Since he decided to take on a summer job so he could spoil his little 5'0 twink of a boyfriend AKA me, Even though I insisted he didn't..)) asking if he could take the night shift that night and he shrugged and agreed after asking me if I had an issue with it, I mean of course I didn't but besides that, It was already getting late so he didn't have much time to waste so he got up and went upstairs to change, leaving me alone downstairs curled up on the couch watching a movie.And after a few minutes I heard foot steps coming from the stairs"So what time do you think you'll be home?" I had mumbled out curiously, To indulged in watching my movie to turn around and look at my boyfriend as I spokeA few moments went by and the footsteps continued all the way up to the back of the couch, but I didn't receive an answer"Babe? What's wr-Aah!~" I had began to speak but I was quickly interrupted by my own hot breath as I felt my lovers warm lips touch my neck before slowly his hot tongue traveled up my skinLet's just say by this point I was blushing pretty bad ((I doubt you care)) anyways I was really curious on why he was suddenly all...In the mood or whatever...But of course I didn't complain cuz well...This felt pretty damn good"K-K-Kyle what's g-gotten into you~" I purred, not really minding the attention I was getting, especially since he had gone from licking to gently nibbling and sucking on my neck but the blissful pleasure only lasted a few moments more before I felt my blood turn to ice"Huh? Dakota did you say something?" I froze.That was Kyle. Yea, that was my boyfriends voice, but...It didn't come from behind me...No...His Fucking voice had echoed from upstairs.Again, I was frozen, my heart now in my throat as I started to tremble....If.....If Kyle was upstairs then....Who's....Leaning over the back of the couch?~Updated 12min ago~Ugh, sorry I got distracted again, Anyways back to my story.I sat on the couch, my heart in my throat as I felt a hot tongue moving over my neck, Sending hot chills down my spine, but...but...Who the /Fuck/ was it!? My boyfriend was upstairs! He had just called down to me, so theirs no way it's him.....I hesitated....Biting my lip slightly as whoever or whatever was behind me slowly moved the collar of my sweater down over my shoulder and gently sunk their teeth into that little space between my neck and shoulder....I gulped and slowly turned my head once they had moved back up....And when I had scooted back a little and managed to turn my head fully, my eyes were met with a pair of two soulless pits and a large sharp toothed smile...God....Just fucking thinking about what I saw gives me chills....And to think that perverted beast was all...Touchin up on me and shit *Shudders*Anyways, When I saw the creature ((Whatever it was)) I jumped back and tumbled off he couch, screaming and yelling for my boyfriend the entire time"Koda!? KODA!?" I heard him scream as he raced down the stairs and cleared the couch so he could scoop me up off the floor-"What's going on what happened!?" He inquired once he had picked my squirming and screaming body up"I SAW SOMETHING!! THEIRS SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE! TH-THEY WERE TOUCHING ME AND BITING ON MY NECK AND I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU B-BUT IT WASNT!!" I yelled, tears welling in my eyes as I trembled in my Boyfriends armsKyle's eyes grew hard and angry and he threw me ((gently)) onto the couch-"Stay here, Don't move, I'm checking the house, and so help me /GOD/ if I fucking find anyone I swear I'll kill them!" He growled as he stormed off through the house, checking every nook and cranny and checking every window and door.Anyways, Long explanation short, he didn't find anything...Ooof course...Fuckin typical...Anyways he asked me if I was okay and if I wanted him to stay with me instead of going to work but I declined and insisted I was fine and blamed it on a possibly to vivid nightmare...((Huge fucking mistake))...But after some coaxing he sighed and decided to take my word on me being okay before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and heading out.~Update 2hrs ago~Hey sorry I vanished again, I had to do some stupid shit for school and whatever, But anyways back to the story.Well after a few hours of couch sitting and tv watching I got hella bored and decided to go upstairs and take a shower, So, I turned everything downstairs off and grabbed my cell before walking up the stairs, only to find myself stopping half way up as I felt....An uneasy presence....Behind me...I gulped dryly.I stood there for a few moments before quickly turning my head, prepared to see the figure again but....There was nothing....Nothing at all....I shook my head, My short fluffy mop of multicolored cotton candy dyed hair swaying side to side as I did-"God I'm too paranoid" I'd repeated to myself with a chuckle as I walked up the rest of the stairs and headed for the bathroom, Slowly already stripping before I even got to the door.Anyways again I'll save all the details of my shower preparations and skip right to the weird shit.I was in the shower just enjoying the steam and the hot water when....I felt that uneasy presence again....So me being me, I kinda just froze and slowly turned from the shower head and looked out of the distorted shower glass...And low and behold their was nothing really out of the ordinary to be seen through the glass except for the oddly distorted shapes of my phone on the counter, the toilet, my towels and clothes thrown haphazardly on the ground-"Tch....Calm down Dakota....You're working yourself up over nothing" I grumbles sternly to myself before turning back to the shower head and continuing my shower.A few minutes passed before I jumped at the sound of footsteps entering the bathroom, I tensed, I tried to convince myself that maybe I was just hearing things and I refused to turn and actually look through the glass of the shower so....I closed my eyes...And just prayed to God that nothing was there....And after a little the footsteps stopped and everything went quiet all except for the sound of the shower head....So...I opened my eyes and stared at the wall in front of me, And to be honest I'm pretty sure all the color had drained from my body at this point and I honestly almost pissed myself because....Out of the corner of my eye I saw it....That figure...Pressing itself to the glass of the shower, a huge hand pressed beside it's distorted face showing huge sharp looking fingers and...Un human like features...For instance...What I could see from just the corner of my eye the thing was fucking HUGE and its body was slim and crooked and the arm it had pressed against the glass was long and slender with a huge hand at the end ((I already told you about the fingers)) But...Its face....Its face was just....A blackish white shadow with a huge razor toothed grin that almost wrapped around to where it's ears should be and its eyes were sunken in holes with bluish red pinpricks in the middle of them, and it had what looked like blood caked around them....And as I stood there I....I swear I saw it open its...Mouth and....Oh god....An ungodly tongue, Long and thick and slightly pointed at the end slowly emerged and swooped itself over the creatures face like...An animal eying its dinner....I started to tremble before I quickly closed my eyes again and leaned on the wall in front of me, the hot water now sliding down my back as I just stood there, fearing for my life.I stood there....Maybe for a good four minutes with my eyes squeezed shut before I decided to open them...And when I did, there...Was nothing...I quickly turned to the glass door of the shower and I saw nothing, I turned off the water, stepped out, wrapped a towel around my waist and checked the door....Locked...."I'm losing my mind" I sighed to myself as I ran my hand through my wet hair-"Maybe sleep will help" I huffed before drying off and walking down the hall in my towelAgain I'm gonna skip these stupid details so as not to Bore you guysAnyways, once I was dressed in my pajamas and I had done everything I needed to do, I flopped down in the king sized bed me and my boyfriend shared and I just sprawled out ((Since he wasn't home nor would be for quite a while)).~Update 4hrs ago~Shit! Sorry!! I keep forgetting I'm writing about shit, heh.Anyways, it's around three am when I'm awoken by a loud groaning type noise out in the hallways, the noise sounding like....I dunno...A dying cat?....It was fucking weird...But...But I heard that noise and I sat bolt upright in my bed, blinking the sleep away from my eyes as I stared wildly around he pitch black room, the only light being the faint green glow of my alarm clock-"H-Hello?" I squeaked out in a dry tone-"A-Aleks?" I called a little louder, a lump once again forming in my throat as I hear heavy footsteps outside the door before a sudden shuffle inside my room coming from the direction of the door, I gripped my sheets and clenched my teeth as my heart rate sped up, My eyes watering up as I stared into the blackness of the room.Another shuffle, Closer this time, and more footsteps outside my door before suddenly a loud slam that made me nearly jump out of my skin, God...It sounded like someone had throw a body clear down the stairs....I started to cry then as I trembled even more...still staring around the blackness of the room before freezing up as I felt the blankets slowly get pulled down from the bottom of the bed"Hello~" A harsh wheezy voice whispered from within the shadows once my blankets were fully pulled off-"I want....To play~" the voice hisses as a dark spindly creature ((Possibly the same one I saw earlier?)) crawled up into the bed from the foot, it's limbs warped and out of place now as it crawled on all fours with slow jerky type motions, Loud cracking and popping noises echoing through the room as it moved closer to me and straightened out each of its crooked limps"p̢͈̺̞̤̗̬̍ͪͯͣ͑̌ͪ̚̕l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞ṡ̷̛͎̗̟̑͗ͥͧ͌̿ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘.....l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡ę̞̺̳̮͔̖͂ͨ͘ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜ṡ̷̛͎̗̟̑͗ͥͧ͌̿....P̢͈̺̞̤̗̬̍ͪͯͣ͑̌ͪ̚̕l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞y͙͖͔̥̤̼̼̺̖ͮ̋̀̏͛͛̔̊͌" It rasped.I opened my mouth to scream at this point but I was quickly hushed as the creature pounced on me, One of its huge hands grasping both of mine and slamming them up above my head as it pinned me to the bed and it's other hand clasping itself over my mouth-"Shhh....sHsHssHH" it cooed in a distorted tone-"Lets play now~" it cooed in a heavy tone, It's rancid breath stinging my eyes and burning my nose.Tears were streaming down my cheeks now as I thrashed and kicked and screeched around its huge hand, Trying to get free, but I think that just...Excited the...The...THE THING! Because as I thrashed and moved I could feel it's breathing grow heavier and it tightened its grip on my hands as it pushed them into the bed more.I only stopped thrashing when....When I felt the creatures legs move...Causing my knees to be separated as it situated its hips or...whatever...Between my legs...My heart started to thunder even faster as fear rushed through my body, Paralyzingly me-"Hush now" It giggles in a demonic tone-"Relax now" it sang as it moved its hand away from my mouth and slid it down my neck and chest, The fear coursing through me so overwhelming I couldn't even scream at this point-"Hush now shush now All will be okay~ Just close your eyes enjoy your time for now we play a game~" it sang as it leaned in close to my ear before biting down softly, causing me to flinch....I...I felt the creatures grip tighten on my pinned hands and I felt its other hand slowly start to slide up my shirt, all the while it kept repeating that damn...Song!...The perverted fucking creature kept feeling up my body for a good few minutes before suddenly jerking up my shirt and exposing my flesh, a warm liquid falling onto my chest as it did"It's....Drooling.."I started to hyperventilate now as I started squirming once again, Hot tears streaming down my face as I tried to struggle free of its grip*CHOMP!*I felt it.....razor sharp teeth digging into my collar...Ripping the flesh to shreds....I started to scream out in utter pain as I thrashed Around even more, the creature hissed and purred in some kind of perverted pleasure as it pushed its jagged hips up between my legs and into mine before sinking its teeth in again and ripping more flesh from my body...The sheer pain from this all causing me to black out..Well...I can't exactly Say I remember what happened after that but.....I can tell you when I woke up I was in the hospital....My boyfriend was beside me, squeezing my hand....When he realized I was awake he jumped up and just started peppering my face in soft worried kisses before he kissed my lips, I kissed back as best I could in my weak state before just going limp on the bed and trying to recall what happened...Blah I'm rambling again, Anyways long story short, I asked my boyfriend what happened and he said he came home to me half dead on the bed, it looked like an animal had torn me to shreds so he called the cops before rushing me to the hospital.....A few hours later the cops came to the hospital and told me and My boyfriend that they found a blood trail leading from the room to the back door which had a busted lock on it and outside the trail of blood ended at the line of trees behind our house...Well.....Anyways I stayed up in the hospital for a few weeks healing and what not and once I was better I went back home with my boyfriend ((Who never left me in the house alone again after that)) and things went on as normally as they could.....Until one night....I was outside on the back patio just enjoying the night air when....I heard it....A low...Raspy voice...Distorted and terrifying..."I̺̞̼͍̥̰ͧ̂̈́́̀ w̴̠̭͎̤͈͎̥̽ͥ̊̚a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜ ţ̩̯̳̻̙̦ͦͩ̽͂ͩ̍͒ͭ͘͜o̭͔̩͍̾̉ͨ̃ͪͪ̂̐͑ p̢͈̺̞̤̗̬̍ͪͯͣ͑̌ͪ̚̕l̖͕̹̿̎ͫ͑͘͡a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞y͙͖͔̥̤̼̼̺̖ͮ̋̀̏͛͛̔̊͌ a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞ģ͉̞̺̏̃̌ͭ̾̾ͩ͂́͠a̵̩͈̭̰ͮͣ̆̊͞i̺̞̼͍̥̰ͧ̂̈́́̀n̼̺̩̟̞̺̣̈ͩ́ͣ̒͗͆͒"~End of Thread~

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