The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle (RE-UPLOADED)

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Hi guys, it's Riko. I noticed that a few people commented on this story and how the link did work. What I did here was I found the story and rewrote it so you could read it. Hope you like!

Like how many stories begin, it was a nice, sunny day in Ponyville. But this was no ordinary day in Ponyville. This was the day before the first anniversary of Twilight Sparkle's arrival at Ponyville.

Spike was sorting books in Twilight's library, putting them in their proper order on the bookshelves. Twilight signaled Spike to come to her. "Spike, I'm planning a party, with just me and my five closest pony friends. There's going to be something there that concerns only the six of us. Sorry, you're not invited. However, you can send these invitations to them."
Spike sighed, "Okay."

After Spike left, Twilight took a sip of her favorite hot orangey-green drink, and spoke softly to herself, "Princess Celestia sent me here to learn about the magic of friendship. And tomorrow's the one year anniversary of my arrival at Ponyville. So I'm going to give her something special!" She finished with a cheery face.

Pinkie had nothing to do that afternoon. Lying on her couch, bored, she heard the doorbell ring. "Eeeek! A customer! I'll get it!" she exclaimed. Opening the door, she said, "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner. Home of Ponyville's finest pastries and- oh, hello Spike. Have you come to buy a cake?"
She saw the baby dragon handing her an invitation. "No. But here, an invitation from Twilight." She took and read it, "A party! Today? As soon as possible? To learn more about friendship? I love that stuff!... Hmmm. But I'm the one who usually throws parties. Oh well. I'll be right there."

At Twilight's place, all six ponies were there. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight. Spike was upstairs in his bed taking a nap, from the hard work he did all day. The party was great. Colorful balloons and confetti were everywhere. There was delicious cake, fun games, music and dancing, and gifts. Everyone was having a blast. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had just finished a game of pin the scale on the dragon, when they noticed Twilight sitting all alone watching the other ponies dance while having her usual beverage. Something was off about her. They couldn't quite tell what.

"Hey there sugar cube. What's up?" asked AJ, approaching Twilight along side Rainbow Dash.
"I had no idea you could throw such an awesome party Twi!" exclaimed Dash.
"Excuse me?" Twilight said.
"Be honest Twi." Applejack spoke, "Pinkie is the party throwing pony. Anyway, how's everything?"
Twilight was happy to respond, "Yes. Pinkie is the party throwing pony, isn't she? Hee.. Hee.. Parties, food and games are fine. But the bigger reason I invited you all here was so... Well, let's just say I planned something special for all six of us, to really learn more about the magic of friendship."

Several hours later the ponies were tired and worn out from all that partying they did. Yes sir, it was another satisfying party for the ponies. Thanking Twilight, they were about to head to the door to leave. But Twilight stopped them, "Wait! I've saved the best for last!" Rainbow Dash let out a sigh.

"Can't it wait, dear? We're exhausted." said Rarity.

"Now Rar, Twilight did say to Dash and I, that she was planning something special at the end of the party. Something to really learn more about friendship." Applejack told Rarity. Everyone paused. Then looking at each other they all agreed to stay.
Twilight was so grateful. "Thank you everypony! I'm happy to have such great friends!"

Twilight led all her five pony friends through a door. A short hall was on the other side, with two book shelves alongside each other, embedded into the right wall. Each shelf had books and laboratory flasks filled with magic potions resting in them, and a lantern hanging above them. The lanterns gave off a dim light. But it was still enough to see their way through. Passing through the short hall, they made a left turn and descended down some stairs. Fluttershy, however, was hesitant. But Pinkie turned to her, and give a reassuring smile.

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