The Watcher

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Hi, my name is Colton. I'll spare you all the personal info.

I'm here to tell you about what happened a week ago. I took a camping trip with my dad and grandma to visit my sister, who lives four states away from us. We were in a travel trailer, and it was very small but it worked.

The first couple of days were great, but on the fourth day it all began. I was at a camping site called KOA Campgrounds and it was just restrooms, campgrounds, gravel, and other trailers so there wasn't much to see. Unfortunately, there were very few other trailers at all and all the other campers were far older than me.

Later in the day my dad went to Walmart, so I decided it was a good time for a shower. Everything was normal for a few minutes, your typical uneventful shower, when I heard a soft scratching sound. I passed it off as just some animal, but it just got louder and louder and louder.

By this point I was getting pretty worried. But I finished off my shower and got dressed, then took a deep breath and busted open the metal shower door. Nothing! Nothing greeted me but the empty washroom, until I checked the outside of the door. I was taken aback as I saw the large, deep claw marks left by the unknown creature.

With a tentative, cautious glance about the room to make sure it had left, I grabbed my things and began making my way back to the trailer. I was just starting to calm down a little, when I suddenly heard a bloodcurdling scream. I'd never sprinted so fast in my life, and thankfully I was soon back at the trailer. I locked the door, put away my stuff and waited silently up against the door until my dad came back. The rest of the day was terribly boring, but I really didn't mind.

The next day, my dad and I went into town to collect some essentials. It was 9:00pm when we finally got back, and as you can imagine it was very dark out in the forested campsite area. I ambled boredly after my father, gawking at the scenery until a movement caught my eye. I peered into the darkness, and I managed to see what looked like some sort of animal.

All I could make out in this light was that it was tall and thin, and I must say it didn't exactly seem friendly. Instead of screaming all I could do was freeze, and gasp. Suddenly, it darted into the forest cover and completely disappeared. I turned to my dad, pointing to where it had just been, but he was already stepping into the trailer. He hadn't seen the thing, or even noticed me stopping. I dashed after him and got inside as fast as I could.

"Whatever's the matter, dear?" my grandmother asked. Instead of telling her what I had seen, I lied and told her a bat had flown at me. So she and dad shrugged it off and went back to what they were doing. We killed about half an hour with games and crosswords, until my dad and I decided we both needed to have a shower. I took the other stall this time, while my dad took the one I had used the previous night. As he stepped in, he did a double take at the scratches, but he thought I didn't know anything about it so he didn't ask.

When I got to using the soap, I somehow managed to get the suds in both my eyes. I groaned and closed my eyes, trying to rinse it out under the water flow. Before I could get it all out, I heard a loud thump which made me jump in surprise.

The soap was still burning my eyes too much for me to open them, and then I heard another thump. I was finally able to open one eye, but I saw nothing. Then a third thump, strong enough to shake the shed-like washroom. I finished off my shower quickly, got dressed and went outside to have a look around. Again, there was nothing, so I waited for my dad to finish and we went back to the trailer.

The next morning we moved on to another campsite, close enough to my sister's house for us to finally go and see her. So, off we toddled to her house, spent a few hours talking then decided to go out to eat. Later on she came back with us to the campsite, leaving after a little while. I spent the rest of the day in the trailer, as there really weren't any outside entertainments. Today I was feeling pretty confident, as we were around thirty miles away from where we had stayed last night.

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