Episode 1 - Girl Meets Artemis

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A/N: Because the first entry in this Season 5 fic just had to be the fluffiest thing in the world! Enjoy!


It had been an eventful first day of school for Riley, well not as crazy as getting Saturday detention like the year before, but still eventful. Except it wasn't school that was on her mind as she walked home after going to the library to return a book she had borrowed over the summer. What was on her mind was the soft barking sounds of the small puppy in her hands, as it wiggled under her sweater. She hadn't needed the sweater during the day since it had been a cool 80 degrees outside, because summer never really ends in New York until late October some years. Yet her father had insisted after seeing her shirt that day, short sleeves weren't a crime to her and it had been a hot day, but the closer she and Lucas got the more paranoid her father became. She wouldn't be surprised if he made her wear turtlenecks by the end of the week, even though the weather wasn't going to let up at all.

Cheerleading practice had been short that afternoon, but Lucas had to stay behind for practice leaving her to walk home alone, her sweater tied to her backpack because of her father and the weather making her sweat like crazy. Of course that sweater had come in handy when she had heard the first yipping sound from the puppy. She had only planned on feeding it a bit of her beef jerky, and some water but that's not how it worked out.

So now her sweater held a small little ball of fur, completely covered in mud, who had been tormented by a couple of middle school students as she was walking home. They had been throwing water balloons at the poor thing before one of the boys had dumped a fist full of mud on the dog. Riley had seen it play out before rushing across the street to save the dog, only to get hit by a water balloon as she rushed off with the dog in her hands. The water on her back had been refreshing, but she didn't enjoy it at all, she was angry that they had seen fit to torment a small animal.

She wondered how Lucas would have reacted if he had seen what had happened, she knew he loved dogs but he also cared about her and having those boys throw something at her, well she knew that he would have attacked those kids. Texas Lucas was not someone to mess with especially when it came to the girl he loved and small defenseless animals.

As she reached her house she was suddenly reminded of one small problem, and that was the fact that her building didn't allow animals. She didn't understand why, especially since most of the other buildings in the area allowed people to have pets but now she held the small bundle and wondered if she would be able to get it pass her parents before they realized what she had with her. Instead of climbing through the front door she went to the ladder and climbed up through the bay window, the puppy nestled in her backpack for the journey, with enough open so that the poor thing could get some air.

Her room lights had been off and she was glad that Maya hadn't been there waiting for her because Riley wasn't sure what she would do if Maya had scared her. Once inside she settled the puppy on the corner of her room near her closet and watched the baby as it slept. Riley hadn't checked to see if it was a boy or girl but it didn't matter she was in love with the little thing and she wasn't sure if she would ever want to let it go.

Riley had gone down to the kitchen to get some water and food that she could give the dog and noticed that no one was around, and the lights were off. A note on the door of the fridge told her that her father had to stay behind at school for a meeting and that Auggie had gone with her mother to the café with Ava.

"I could have gone through the front door," she said to herself.

Instead of dwelling on what could have been, she grabbed everything and went off to her room settling a bowl of water and bite size pieces of turkey next to the makeshift bed. The pup woke up at the smell of food and started chomping down on the food making Riley smile as she watched it take small bites. Once the puppy was done she grabbed the baby, because of course it was her baby now, and took it to the bathroom for a quick bath, using her strawberry shampoo. That's when she saw that the puppy was completely white, she wasn't sure on the breed, and she would have to ask Lucas about that but Riley though it was the purest baby she could have ever found, when she was almost done washing the dog she saw that it was a girl which only made her smile even more.

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