"For now down in the Lounge there is food and drinks please help yourselves" I said and smiled

After everyone went down I threw myself into working on the mountain of paper work that was behind.

After five hours I looked at the clock and it was 4 in the morning. I sighed and just then Jeremy walked in.

"Its 4 a.m. malia get some rest" he said

"Jeremy once I am unfocused from work I will have a mental break down and possibly go rogue do you think I can handle that Jeremy I'm trying to finish alot if work before Eve's parents come back and take over" I said

"But your the luna" he said

"I can't do it by myself Jeremy. I miss him" I said and he came next to me.

"Malia you are the strongest person I have ever met. I'm not saying it for the hell if it I'm saying it because everyone knows that's the truth. Malia you are a damn survivor. Do you know right now you are doing something no one has done. You are showing every one your okay but we know your not but your pushing through and being strong. Instead of breaking down and letting these people not get back to their families you made it happen and in less than 3 hours they will be taking off and going home to their families. Malia you are sacrificing your time to make all these people happy and that to me is you being a strong independent and amazing Luna. You put other people before you and you refuse to let this pack fall apart." He said and he walked to the door.

"You malia. You are a amazing Luna already." He said and smiled. He left closing the door and I looked at the paper work. He's right. I would die before this pack fell apart. I was the luna and this pack needed their Luna.

Someone zipped into the room and I looked up to see Allison and I gave her a small smile.

"Malia can you read this" she said and i nodded

"Its Czech" i said and she nodded

"Okay um Žlutá vlčí bažina je rostlina, kterou vytvořil Xan Kenneth, aby během několika vteřin zabila nějakou nadpřirozenou bytost." I said and i looked at her

"It says Yellow wolfsbane is a plant that was created by Xan Kenneth to kill any supernatural being within seconds." I said

"Keep reading" she said

"pokud vstoupí do krevního řečiště, šíří se tak rychle, že jeho rychlejší než sekundy se šíří rychleji, než světlo může cestovat." I said

"if entered into the bloodstream the wolfsbane spreads so fast its quicker then seconds it spreads faster than light can travel." I said

"This is what killed him" i said and she nodded and i closed the book.

"My friend looked into his death and he didn't understand it. He knew the numbers on how much a werewolf can be injected with wolfsbane and silver. It didn't add up he knew something was off until he came across this book and realized what it was we just needed you to get the right words out of it." She said

"When the pack doctor did his stitches the wolfsbane wasn't bleeding out of his system instead it got deeper into it and that's why it took a while to kill him." She said and i couldn't help but cry.. I wiped the years away and looked down.

"Malia look at me" she said

"I'm going to bring him back" she said and i widened my eyes.

"That's not possible" i said

"For me and my friend it is we just need a willing rogue to die and we need to make sure mason wants to come back which he does" she said

"How do you know" i said

"I talked to him malia" she said

"How!" I said

"Malia don't worry okay he will be back soon" she said and smiled

"I know where I can find a willing rogue" i said

"Where" she said

"In the cells. Mason was telling me about them there a women down there. She killed three people. She went rogue after her mate died. Her punishment was to stay alive with that pain." I said

"Awful.." she said

"It wasn't mason who put her there it was his dad. He wants to let her free but his dad would know and he could never face him. One of the people she killed was his best friend." I said

"Well if he wants his son back he has no choice" she said

"Alright. I'll take you in the morning when everyone gets home safe and everything. I'll take you to her and we can do it" i said and she nodded

"Well then I'll see you in the morning" she said and i nodded

"Technically it is morning but you know what I mean now get some sleep." She said and I smiled

"Thank you Allison" i said and she smiled

"No problem" she said and then left

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