-2- The Black Core

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His core... it was molten black.

Danny was frozen with terror. It was writhing, seething almost, Danny had never seen a black core before. It terrified him of what it could mean, and never would he ever guess he was about to be rescued. He had little time to ponder because loss of blood had his brain and body shutting down.

Danny's vision began to tunnel, not sure if it was because of fear or blood loss, it could have easily been both. He could only see the man's dark core as he moved about, getting closer and closer, bigger and bigger.

The sirens were too loud, Danny attempted to cover his ears to keep the noise out, but only his right arm responded. His blood splotched hand made it to his ear and it took all of Danny's energy to keep it there. He groaned in pain through the muzzle, reminding him of his broken arm and ribs, not to mention how mangled his leg was.

Something rattled at Danny's feet, his mind groggily focused back onto the man, who was still just a black mass in Danny's swimming vision. The black core man was doing something to his chained feet, probably coming to take him away for an even more horrible experiment. Words were being said in a low, growly, voice, but his ears didn't hear them, they were full of the sound of rushing blood and sirens.

The little halfa tried to shy away but his body was stiff and unresponsive, only able to shift his head to the side and make his body a little closer to the wall. Danny wasn't sure what was going on but he wanted to get away from the black core man. The white haired experiment was sure the black cored man was going do something harmful to him.

More muffled words began making it to the halfas ears, someone was talking, another figure strode in. Dannys half lidded -but small pupiled- eyes found a new core to study, a core much smaller and lighter than the first. But the colors were muted, a black sheen covered the light colors underneath.

Danny's curiosity was what kept him awake, hoping that if he was awake for a second longer the answer would magically appear.

Something shuffled next to Danny, he made out the sound of cloth. Soon his world got a whole lot darker as something black surrounded his being. New waves of pain shot through him as he was lifted up off the floor. Danny's eyes were wide with terror but he couldn't seem to see anything except the man's writhing black core. He wanted to back away from it, to flee from the shadowed core witch was now right next to his face.

In a delirious state Danny (contradictory to his previous thoughts) feebly moved a hand to try and touch the dark substance, curious if he could touch it, only to be blocked by a faintly glowing wall. His pounding head was resting on something hard yet soft, his legs dangling loose over some type of bar.

Pain over took him, it suddenly didn't matter where he was or who was there, all he knew was pain.

-0o0o0o Robin? TO THE BATMOBILE! o0o0o0-

Barely coming out of dark land of sleep, Danny weakly opened his eyes, his chest fluttering with struggled breaths. It was dark, but lights were flashing on the ceiling of wherever he was, passing and then coming back like the light source was moving, or maybe he was? The halfa could see tiny buttons and metal things, his first thought was the experimentation table, but the thought was negated by the softness under his numb body. He was too confused and scared to notice his muzzle was gone and had a hasty but tight bandage over his bleeding leg and shoulder.

Through his muddled and confused thoughts he managed to turn his head to the side. A figure sat in a chair with his back to him, a bald head with two little points to the side. it was the black core man, he was driving.

With his head slightly clearer, Danny's core flared with uncertainty and fear. Who was this man? Why was his core black? Would he hurt him too? Danny eyes began to tear up, would his pain ever e-

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