Part Four: Learning the Truth

Depuis le début


I walk back into the living room from the bathroom and take my seat on the couch staring at the tv screen in front of us. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Travis asks pausing the movie I haven't really been paying attention to with everything on my mind right now. I've been trying to avoid this question for a few hours and managed to until now. I should have known he wouldn't give up on asking. I laugh at his question getting a weird look from him. "What's so funny?" he asks.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." I reply as I decide to tell him the truth.

"Tell me and I'll be the judge of that." he says.

"I kissed Lukas at the party and now I think I'm pregnant. Actually I know because the day we went to the store I got a pregnancy test and it came back positive. All of them came back positive. You think I'm crazy right? No one can get pregnant from getting kissed especially not a guy." I say ready to get told the same thing Lukas told me that it isn't possible.

"No," he replies vaguely to what I just said.

"No, what?" I question.

"No, I don't think you're crazy because it is possible." he says.

"How?" I ask curiously.

"I heard stories as a little kid about some people that were similar to the seahorse when it came to reproducing. The males are able to get pregnant and give birth. As teens the males were more prone to getting pregnant from a kiss like you I guess." he says and I immediately know he's has to be joking.

"Very funny but I know you're just making a joke out of this and I'm not in the mood to be made fun of Travis." I say getting up from the couch ready to leave when he grabs my wrist.

"I'm not joking Razor and I wouldn't make this up just to make fun of you. We've been friends for three years I wouldn't do something like that. My mom told me those stories that's how I know all of this. She told me all of this because she didn't want me to kiss anybody before I turned eighteen especially a boy. Girls don't have this problem it's only males which is why we're told not to kiss. Your mom told you the same before she died didn't she?" he says.

I stand there speechless as Travis gets up still holding my wrist in his hand. "I didn't understand it either when I was little and thought it was a lie until my mom showed me. She introduced me to others that are like us that blend in as if they are just like everyone else. You're parents never really explained how it all works did they?"

"No," I say.

"That's why you've been distant and avoiding everyone? You didn't understand it? You can trust me Razor can I see?" he says.

I nod my head yes nervously and watch as he moves his hand closer pulling up my hoodie up revealing my expanding abdomen. He lets go of my wrist placing his other hand on me. "Who else knows other than Lukas?" he asks.

"No one because I didn't think anyone else would believe me." I answer just as I feel a movement inside me.

"You really are one of us I just felt the baby kick." he says with a smile before moving his hand away.

"One of what Travis, because right now I feel like a freak." I answer.

"We're not freaks Razor. We're just different, special I guess. All I learned is from what my mom told me." he replies.

"Will you tell me then because no one ever told me." I say interested to know more.

"We're born looking like everybody else on the outside but inside the males are born with both a male reproductive system and female reproductive system able to bear a child. We have limited eggs of our own to produce a child if we wanted to with another male. My parents like yours did it the old fashion way which is a man and a woman. The woman puts her egg in the male just like seahorses do. When the baby is about to be born then well things adjust down there so the baby can be delivered naturally." he says making me little scared by what adjust means.

Just a KissOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant