jimin: no he hasn't 

jimin: but i am suspecting something 

me: what are suspecting?

jimin: i will say after you answer the question 

me: oh, um 

me: him and i are in a relationship 

jimin: an exclusive one? like boyfriend/girlfriend?

me: yeah 

jimin: i knew it 

jimin: congratulations!! 

jimin: i am so happy for you guys! 

me: awe, thank you 

jimin: how long has it been?

me: it has only been a week 

jimin: oooh 

jimin: when did you start liking him?

me: uuuhhh 

me: i don't know 

jimin: what do you mean?

me: like i don't know when i started liking him 

me: jungkook asked if i was going to return the feelings and i told him to let me think about it for a day 

me: and then in that day, i realized i liked him

me: oh, well maybe it was that day when i started liking him, like a week and a half ago 

jimin: the day after those pictures were released? 

me: yeeaah, i think 

jimin: oohh 

jimin: so, are you going to our show?

me: i can go if it is after my class 

jimin: it starts at 1:30pm 

me: oh, i think i can make it 

me: where is it?

jimin: (address) 

me: oh, it isn't that far from my school 

me: but don't i need a ticket also?

jimin: oh, yeah you do 

jimin: i can reserve one for you, just tell them your name and they should give you the ticket 

me: last time i was told i could just walk into your dance studio but i was stopped 

me: what do i do if they don't give it to me?

jimin: you can text me or any of us

me: oh okay 

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