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It was 2002... In Japan, Tokyo...

Yukki, Natsuki and Amanda have known each since they were kids and were best friends, and their bond was strong, unbreakable... That's what they thought at least....

Soon before long,  Amanda had to separate from them...

Amanda's grandma left good bye due to a horrific car accident, her parents and her grandpa couldn't bare up the weight of her lost. Ever since then, she left to America with her parents and grandpa... But they were still in-touch. But sometime later, Amanda lost contact with them.

Natsuki and Yukki attended the same school. They were still close with each other. They missed Amanda so much. But soon after, they tried to forget her, because whenever they would think about her, they would still be in tears...


15 years later, Amanda arrives to her hometown, Japan,Tokyo with her parents and grandpa... But, Yukki and Natsuki doesn't know about this... Yukki and Natsuki are now in University. Natsuki is a 2nd year student and Yukki is a 3rd year student. Their parents allowed them to stay in an apartment since their University is a bit far. But on one condition, they should come home every holiday. Lovely parents huh. Sweet. (It's not sarcasm)  They now stay in an apartment close to their University. Their own apartment.
(A/N: Did I forget to mention that Amanda, Yukki and Natsuki are rich....? Oh lol. Well guess what, they are damn rich. Lol~) Since they didn't like to stay alone, they wanted roomates. Natsuki's roommate is Miya Ayame, who attends the same University as them, a 2nd year student with Natsuki and works in a cafe as a part-timer, and Yukki doesn't have any roommate yet, since she didn't want anyone else to become close to her after Amanda left them other than Natsuki and Miya...

What happens when Amanda attends the same University, and is a 3rd year stusity with Yukki?

What happens when Amanda starts living in their apartment and as Yukki's roommate.


A/N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed it! This is my first time writing a story and I hope you guys liked it! I will try my best to Update the story ASAP. 😅 ... Please comment on what you thought about the prologue! 😊😊

Bye Bye... Love you all!🤗🤗🤗😘😊

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