Jes froze with wide eyes that made me think she had been the one who went through everything I had.

I rolled my eyes and dragged her into the room. She was trembling even harder, if that's even possible, when we made it in.

She tried to get out of the room but my grip on her arm was too firm. She fearfully met our father's eyes and froze. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at her. She thought that she had it bad and was terrified because of it. 

"Well, good to know i left a lasting impression on the other daughter." The voice that made shivers go up my spine said. 

She gulped, "Father" I could feel the accusing looks thrown our way, no doubt by our mates. I rolled my eyes and pulled her to her mate. 

"Ah Lillian I can see you still protect her as much as possible, too bad your efforts were in vain." the voice said again. I closed my eyes, as they were threatening to glow red. I took a deep breath, this man really knew how to get on my nerves. 

"Oh maybe I'll just repeat everything that I did to you to her since you don't care." He said my eyes snapped open and i saw Jes breathe a sigh of relief, then she saw my burning eyes. I turned around quickly to face him.

"Don't touch my sister." I growled angrily. I had protected her for way too long to just let him turn her into another Siren. 

He laughed "don't worry I only want one of you" that did little to help my anger, I took slow and purposeful steps towards him. I could feel my eyes start to glow brighter as I got closer to him. 

I could almost smell the fear flowing off him in waves that he tried to keep under wraps in the dark.

I smirked, it was good to know I had that effect on him. "I have all I need." I closed my eyes and they returned to they're normal forest green color.  He chuckled nervously unsure how to feel about that. 

"And besides I doubt her mate would let that happen, you would be dead before you reached her." I said spitting out the word mate like it was a bad taste in my mouth. I was not about to let him know I had found mine. 

"I am assuming you don't have a very good experience with each other," Blake said awkwardly, he was meeting my only other family left without knowing it beforehand.

He stretched out his hand for a handshake "I'm Blake, Alpha of this pack and Lillian's mate." he said with a small smile. 

My father gave him a sympathetic glance, which I knew was fake. "That must be hard, she doesn't love anyone but Jessica. Even with her it's questionable." He said with a small smirk.

I rolled my eyes as Blake shot me a questioning look. I sighed, I know he wants me to say something but in reality, I have nothing to say, but I am how I am because of him.

That monster made me this way. Literally.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to be the one to fix that." Blake said hopefully, what a dummy.

"Good luck with that" he said with a laugh. "She killed her own mother" he added seriously. Blake looked at me in surprise, he didn't think I was capable of that.

I knew Blake wanted me to object, to defend myself, but I couldn't. I knew what father could and would do to me if he ever got his hands on me.

Blake swallowed hard, I knew he'd be scared when he found out about my past, I just didn't think he would be scared when he heard about the dead mom business.

I sighed when Jes opened her mouth, I sat on the arm of one of the couches near me. "She didn't kill mom, she was an infant! She had just been born when mom died!" Jes began her rant.

She drew a breath to say more but decided against it, I assumed she had just mouthed off to him when he hit her before. I leaned back slightly and smiled.

At least she learned how to shut up. "You are the worst person to have existed." I guess I was wrong, she didn't. I sighed "are you done complaining yet?" I said making sure I was void of anything.

That must have surprised everyone in the room because everyone was staring at me with dumbfound expressions on their faces. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"Close your mouth Blake, your drooling" I said bored.

Blake immediately wiped his face and stood up straighter. I had to admit, he was adorable doing it.

He coughed "we prepared dinner come" Blake said and led him into the dining hall awkwardly.  He shot me a look that told me that he was going to question me until I drop after my father leaves. 

I sighed when he wave me over, I got up and walked annoyed to him. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "you aren't going anywhere" he whispered so softly that I had thought I had imagined it. 

He didn't dare to let go of me until I had to sit down to eat, and even then he sat right next to me and was always watching. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to leave him there without a word. 

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