Cant take it back But i'm ok with that

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My eyes shot open at the movement of Justin. I looked over and he just turned his body. He was still sound asleep.

Rubbing my eyes I smiled remembering last night. I looked over at him again. The blanket only covered his lower half, reveling his abs.

I turned my body so my head laid on his shoulder as I traced my fingers over his abs.

I got on top of him and whispered his name into his neck a few times. After a while, he smile and opened his eyes.

"Last night......" I said just too amazed to say anything else. He raised his bushy eyebrows.

"Well I'm hoping it was good. Or even ok that it happened." He says in the hottest morning raspy voice.

"Of course it was. It was the best. It was interesting." I laughed.

"Good interesting?" He asked.

"Yes Justin." I chuckled.

Later that week.....

Justin's POV

   It was finally  summer!! School was done and I was hella excited. The last bell rang and everyone darted for the door.

The halls were crowed with loud mouths and excited kids. Papers were scattered everywhere on the floor. I laughed, shaking my head cause there was a dick pick on the floor.

I made my way to India's locker after clearing mine. I found her struggling to throw things down her back pack. She scrunched her nose at it, stuffing in a messed up notebook and what looked to be my sweater that I'm pretty sure she slots from me from the beginning of the year.

"I don't think that's going to fit in there India." I laughed. She gave me a peeved look and continued to destroy her back pack.

"Justin help me!" She wined. I smiled and grabbed the bag. I took out the sweater and the the notebook, some random paper and some candy rapers.

I was actually surprised to see this. India was the neatest person I've met. I stopped to look up at her and give her the, really look.

    "Justin I just want to go home okay." She throws her hands through her hair. She looked so frustrated.

   "You ok?" I raised my left eyebrow at her.

  "No. It's the last day of school, school ended 15 minuets ago, and I'm still here!! I'm just irritated!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the rest of her stuff.

  "Ok well let me help." I say grabbing some books. She takes the books from my hands and slammed  them on the floor.

  "The only way you could help," she pulled me by the collar and kissed my ear. "Is by making me feel the way you did prom night." She whispers in my ear. I pulled my ear away raising my eyebrows at her. She smiled and continued with her locker.

   "I can do that." I smirked. 

      India's POV

Dancing to the music as I dried my body. I checked my naked body out in the mirror. Every curve. Every swerve. I modeled in the mirror thinking man my baby is so lucky.

I blow dried my hair and quickly applied some light, but sexy make up. I went to the room and put on my nice baby girl red dress and some black high heals.

I felt my hair and noticed I still haven't straighten it. I was running out of time so I let my long, curly hair go natural.

Walking down the stairs I found two boy who sat on the bottom waiting as if it's been forever. Well maybe it has.

"Hey boys." I greeted.

"It's about time." Wayne rolls his eyes.

Justin shot his head back at me and smiled.

"You look beautiful." He says putting a big whole smile on my face as I say thank you.

He got up and I walked down to kiss him.

"Yeah yeah. We get it. Y'all in love and sh** but we gonna be late to this party." We all laugh at how Jason just came out of no where.

We were going to the end of the year bash party. It was being held at Zayn's big house and everyone was going.

We walked in to the song, The Fix and Justin and Wayne go crazy as they performed basically the whole song.

I laugh at their ridiculousness but left to go find Janay. I found her and Zayn dying over something then they both looked at me.

"Hey!" Janay smiles over the loud music.

"Hey!" I yelled back.

I looked over to Zayn and found this due checking me out. And it wasn't just some glance or look. It was a fricken stare down. What is he think I wouldn't notice. I gave him a disgusted look and looked away.

"Well them I'm going to let you guys talk I'm going back to the party." I pointed to everyone else.

"Wait India. You want a drink" Zayn asks handing me a cup.

"Sure I guess." I took a sip to soon spit it on his face. His mouth shoots open in surprise. This dude gave me some liquor type stuff. Janay was dying laughing.

As you guys can tell, this dude bothers me to the point that I just can't anymore. I gave Janay a look and walked away.

Why was she hanging out with him in the first place. She was hard core flirting too. Last time I checked she was still with Jason. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

    I found Justin and the guys laughing at something on Wayne phone. Justin seemed as if he was having fun. Me? I honestly didn't want to be here.

   After a while I went over to Justin and whispered something in his ear. I saw his eyebrow raise as he gave me a look.

He quickly grabbed my hand and we headed towards the door.

From behind we heard a lot of "where are you guys going," but we didn't look back.

I giggled as Justin gently pushed my back to his car and slammed his lips on mine.

"Little boy. You can wait." I laugh, pushing him away. I went to the passenger door and hopped in.

   Walking into the quiet house I wondered, Justin's parents are always busy. They're barely home weekdays. I wonder how Justin does it in this big house.

   Holding my hand, he led us to his bedroom and shut the door behind us. I sat on his bed and he bent down to take my heals off.

   I smiled down at him cause I didn't ask him to do this. He smiles back taking the other heal off.

   I rolled my ankle and rubbed my heal. My feet were literally screaming in pain. Justin slapped his hands on my thighs to pull himself up. Keeping them there as he leans in for a kiss.

    Sooner than later. Justin was gently pounding into me. He leans his sweating forehead on mine as our breaths filled the air. It felt like we were in a sauna. 

   The night when on and it still surprises me: I'm no longer a virgin.

You guys I'm running out of ideas!! Oh what the heck. I'll figure it out. ✌🏾


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