Chapter 13; Not So Blue Sky

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Dick kept his eyes on the sky's, frequently looking over to his younger brother. He kept staring at his phone. His eyes began to sparkle with curiosity, why was Damian staring so intently at his phone, what could possible be so interesting.  He knew that he had to be focused on the task at hand, the most important thing was to get to Nanda  Parbat. Damian just kept staring as if he could see the entire world within that screen.

Dick was getting annoyed so he figured he would sneak a peak at what Damian was looking at. He thought for a second before figuring out his plan of action.

Dick flipped the cover off of the auto- pilot button and pushed it. Standing up from his seat as pilot. "I'm going to go to the back and check on everyone, alright Dame?"

He heard nothing from his younger brother as he walked towards the door. Before he stepped through is he took a quick glance back at Damian's phone screen.

Dicks eyes widened realizing why the boy had been so enticed by his cellular.


The girl with black-purple hair was on the screen staring back at him. It wasn't just a picture of her either; it was the both of them.

In the picture Raven was laughing and holding onto Damian's hands, looking as though she was squirming to be released.Damian stood with his shoulders slumped, so as to completely encase Raven in the hug that was ensuing. His hands clung tightly to her waist and his head was on her shoulder. Both of them wore comfortable clothing. Raven sporting a pair of purple and black flannel pants and Damian's sweatshirt, while he wore a  pair of black pajama pants. From the looks of his red shirt and visible goosebumps, he had given his sweatshirt to the freezing girl: not that he minded.

In the picture Damian was probably wearing the biggest smile in the world. Because of all the crap that his poor brother he never thought it would be possible. Dick never thought that the lonely, emotionless, bore headed boy he met in the streets of Gotham, would ever be able to smile that big.

That's when something in Dicks head clicked and it made the mission that they were on all the more important. Damian would never be the same if Raven wasn't there when they arrived at Nanda Parbat. No: not the same as he was- worse. He would become worse than what he was before.  He would completely shut down, never let anyone in, and never be able to smile ever again. He would become more blood thirsty and even more of a animal and the worst part was that there would be no one to stop him.

He heard a stiffeled sniffle come from Damian and Dicks first instinct is to comfort his baby brother. Dick thought better of it, not wanting to cause the boy anymore pain.

Dick proceeded to the back of the plain, where he saw little Missy sitting next to his son John.

When John looked up both eyes got wide, misty and tears began to fall down his face slowly.

"Johnny don't stand-" Dick tried to say, but it was too late. John had already gotten up and run to his father.

"Dad! Oh my god, Dad. You're here, you're actually here. I've missed you so much. Why haven't you called? Were you on a deep undercover mission or..."he spoke quickly, with his voice filled joy. Dick shakes his head, not realizing why his son was being the way he was.

"What do you mean Johnny I haven't been gone that long." Dick said as he looked down at his son with loving eyes.

John's eyes widened and he looked up at his father with shock, and the slightest bit of pain behind his eyes. "Dad you've been gone for over a year."

Dicks eyes widened. He finally realized, he hadn't been home in months. With his mission that took him to Nepal, then dealing with Cadmus, and then the titans; when he did the math his was right. He'd must have been gone for one year, seven months, and now two days.

He looked down at his son and realized how much he had actually changed. He was taller, and was missing a moler. He'd gotten stronger, seeing how he his shoulders were a little broader now and his shirt was pulled taught over him newly obtained pectoral muscles. His face had become a bit sharper and his eyes had developed a green glow that resembled his mothers.

"Oh John, I'm..." stuttering as tears filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to be gone for so long. It was just supposed to be a month mission and it got dragged out for so long."

John just shook his head and look at his father. "It's ok dad. Mar'i and I have gotten so much better in our skills while staying with grandpa Bruce and Alfred. Mar'i still can't use you powers yet, but I was able to learn how to infuse it with some of my bird-a-rang techniques to make them more accurate!"

The way John said it with such pride and vigor made him feel a lot better, but it still didn't wipe away his shame of not realizing the duration of his absence.

He looked down at John and hugged him tighter than before, lifting him off the ground a bit for an even tighter embrace. That's when Dick heard a familiar voice come from behind his son.

He looked beyond John to see Mar'i standing there with her mouth agape and large green eyes brimming with tears. He said nothing, and kneeled down with his arms open wide. Before he knew it, the ebony haired girl was in his arms holding him tightly: gripping and taking the fabric of his shirt into her small palms.

"Daddy..." she said softly, with a shaky voice. "Daddy, daddy, your home... your finally home."

In between her sobs a small, gentle smile revealed relief and love.

Dick then took John into his arms and whispered in both their ears. "I'm so sorry guys. I promise that it will never happen again. I never forgot about you guys, I love you both more than anything in this entire world. I will make sure that I stay with you for as long as I can now no matter what and that I will always come home."

He stood there for a while hugging his two most prized creations. All the while his baby brother looked upon this scene with great happiness, but also great sorrow. He looked at his older brother observing how much he cared for his children and how he had such a wonderful and complete family. Now that his mother took his Raven away that may no longer be a possibility.

Without Raven, Damian's future was basically demolished. He saw no reason for living if she wasn't there to walk along side him in life. He wanted everything with her. He wanted children, marriage, a home, a life with his family, but more importantly he wanted to be able to wake up to those beautiful amethyst eyes everyday for the rest of his life- now that was all gone. For all he knew Raven was already dead and six feet in the ground.

Damian turned away from his niece, nephew, and brother and went back to the cockpit of the Batwing. He looked out the Windshield to see a thick sheet of grey clouds move in over the misty mountains of what he could only assume were the beginnings of the Middle East. The sky in his world was no longer blue, not if he wasn't able to find Raven. He didn't care if she was dead or alive: as long as he had her and got to bring her home. So he sat in the pilots seat and watched as he thought of the impending doom he may have just set his family to face.

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