Chapter 5; Bloodlines

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Chapter 5; Bloodlines


I woke up to a purple aura around all the passengers. Then I was filled with a tingling feeling and was out of the car. Everyone coughing and helping each other up. My vision was blurred, but a familiar voice could be heard.
" Damian? Damian!? Please come on wake up."
I tried best I could to focus and the person kneeling over me could, finally, be made out. Raven. I shot up and she wrapped her arms around me.
" Oh thank Azar you're ok. I thought that you were gone." She sobbed into my chest.
I then put my arms around her, completing the warm and heartfelt embrace.
" Raven as long as you're here, and let god, Azar, or anyone up there allow, I will never go anywhere." I told her, bringing my lips to her Midnight hair.
"Oh how sweet. For a second I almost believed that you had feelings." Said a cold and bloodthirsty voice. I knew very well who's body that voice belonged to.
" Why are you here?" I said to the voice looking to the shadows.
I see Raven look up at me puzzled "Damian who are you-" she is interrupted by the snarling voice.
" Let's just say I'm someone that really hates your boyfriend there."
"Show yourself you demon spawn."
Immediately after those words leave my mouth the voices' body emerges. It was a girl. Around my age, she wore red and black tunic, with jet-black hair, and two streaks or red hair in the front.
" Mara." I said angrily.
"Hey cousin, thought you could use a good hit before I destroy you in combat."
Mara. My cousin by blood, my mom's side of course.  Dunsun's  daughter, he was a grossly loyal bottom feeder that was cast out of the league of shadows.
" Pick up the sword Damian, so that we can finally know who the best is. Who really deserves to be the head of the demon's fist and the head of the League Of Shadows." She spat as she threw a sword at me.
"No Mara. I no longer wish to lead the fist or the league. it's yours you can have it. I have friends and family I have no use for it anymore, it's no longer my destiny more. it's yours you can have it. I have friends and family I have no use for it anymore, it's no longer my destiny Mara."
she looked at me with Stone she looked at me with Stone cold eyes. I could tell she was angry on the inside, looking for a way to destroy me. Finally she took action. Gripping the hilt of her sword, she swung it at me with full force. I ripped myself from ravens embrace. Gripping my sword and quickly blocking hers from cutting a deep gash in my face. I looked up I ripped myself from ravens embrace. Gripping my sword and quickly blocking hers from cutting a deep gash in my face. I looked up at her and I felt sorry. Sorry for every mean and gruesome thing I did to her. But my worst regret when it came to her was that scar across her eye. I remember that day so vividly, the harsh cold of the mountains nipping at my skin and the anger I felt towards her. At the time the fact that she wanted to take my legacy way for me was enough to drive me mad, But now I look back on it and think of how foolish i would have seemed to the rest of the world.
SHe took another swing this time it caught me in the abdomen. It stung, but i pushed through. I spun on my heel and stuck my foot out, tripping her in the process. Then i saw a flash of yellow light and an arrow whizzed across my face. Another light surrounded Mara, but as sneakily as she came, she disappeared. The two lights came to a stop and revealed two men. An older one looking around dick age maybe older, and a younger one looking about Jamie's age. The older of the two wore a suit that resembled the flashes, but with the colors reversed. The other was the same story. Flash-like suit, but with a red and beige coloring.
" Dude what took you so long?" Dick said getting up and walking towards the older one with red hair.
" Sorry Dick there was a lot of traffic on the 50,000 MILE TRIP FROM PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA TO HOUSTON, TEXAS!" The man said.
" I'm sorry to intrude on your, how do you say, loud conversation, but who are you?" I asked looking to Dick and pointing to the red haired man.
" Oh you're right time for introductions." Dick said gathering everybody around. "This it Wally West a.k.a Kid Flash. This is Bart Allen a.k.a Impulse. K.F is a previous member of the Titans and impulse is the future grandson of Barry Allen. They are both apart of an old covert team called Young Justice, i used to be in before my first time with the Titans."
"WALLACE RUDOLPH WEST I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" A voice said from inside the bushes.
" Oh yeah the wife." Wally says speeding over to the bushes and picking up a blood women and bringing her over.
" And the is would be Artemis West A.K.A Artemis Crock A.K.A Tigress A.K.A the superhero/protege to green arrow Artemis." Dick said finishing with a smile.
" Hi I'm Wally West, this is my wife Artemis, and that over there is my, what i like to think as, my nephew Bart." He said extending a hand to me. I took it and shook his hand.
"Where are the kids?" Kori asked looking at Artemis.
"Give it a minute." replied Artemis, counting down from three mentally. And soon enough two red and green streaks came up from behind her.
A boy with blond hair and freckled skin appeared on her left wearing a red hoodie, and a girl with red hair and freckles appeared on her right wearing a black shirt and green crop top.      
"This is Ires and Jay West!"

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