Chapter 11: The Assembly of the Dark (K)nights

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Chapter 11: The assembly of the Dark (K)nights

Part 1; Dear brother Dick


The sound of the line going dead made my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. I thought in what i liked to call the mother mindset. If I was my mother, would I kill Raven. If she did kill her she wouldn't gain anything from me. If she didn't kill her and she relies on me thinking she is dead and not going to Nanda Parbat.
"Damian? DAMIAN!" Ires screamed in my face, unhooking me from my trance-like thoughts.
"What?" I said looking back at her.
"What happened? Was it about Raven or my brother?" she asked, worry forming at the corners of her eyes.
"Yes." I said flatly. My heart may have come up with the theory that she was alive, but in my mind I knew she was gone.
"Are they alright?" she said as she started to cry.
"No. Your brother may be fine, but Raven..." I could no longer speak. My heart couldn't take the fact that she was gone. I sank to my knees, as Ires followed in my action. She slowly gave me a hug as i cried.
"Is she gone?" she said into my hair.
"Yes." I said as my quiet whimpers turned into loud sobs. I closed my eyes and saw all my futures fading away. I saw my life with Raven dissipate. The children she predicted vanish, the life she was to lead gone. There was now a hole in my heart i could never fill again.
"What happened to her?" Ires said letting go off me.
"My mother happened, she gave me those last few seconds to talk to her and then... and then she shot her. Ires it all happened so fast, but i know what i have to do."
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm going to go to Nanda Parbat."
"What?! Are you insane Damian, your father is going to kill you." she said.
I knew she was right. If my father knew i was going after my mother he would flip. I thought for a minute. What can I do, who can I tell. She may not be alive, but dead or not i just wanna she her face again. I want to kiss her soft lips. I wanted to kill the women who took her away from me.
"Ires I need you to leave, now." I said getting up and slowly pushing her out of the room.
"But Damian we need to find..." she was cut off by the sound of the door closing in her face.
I ran to the bedside table, where my phone laid. I took it in my hands and quickly scrolled through my contacts. I found my way to the W section and looked at all the names. I clicked the first name there. Richard(Dick) Wayne//Grayson. I know i may have said he didn't like to be called a Wayne, but he was my brother and to me he is a Wayne. I called him as quickly as I could. (I'm gonna be extremely lazy and do all the phone calls like this. Dick- DG  Damian- DW )
DG- Hello?
DW- Grayson  this is urgent I need you to fly us back to Gotham within the next hour.
DG- Why the hell do you wanna go to Gotham for, we just go here?
DW- Dick this is important. I need you to do this for me, please as a brother.
DG- Damian are you sick or something because, one, you just said please, two, you called me Dick instead of Grayson, and three, you called me your brother.
DW- No i'm not sick, just desperate and worried.
DG- Why are you so worried D? We're on vacation for crying out loud.
DW- I think... I think Raven might be... might be dead.
DG- WHAT?!   
DW- My mother kidnapped her last night and told me not to tell anyone, but I accidentally did. She called me and gave me a few seconds to talk to her, but then i heard a gunshot and the line went dead. Dick I know I would never say this to her face, but she is my everything, my whole world. She may be dead, but I want the person who did it to pay.
DG- Okay D, okay. Get ready we are wheels up in an hour.
DW- Alright, and Dick.
DG- Yes Damian?
DW- Thank you.
DG- Anything for my baby brother.
With that I hung up on my brother. I hated it when he called me his baby brother, but i let it slide this time because of my desperation. I started to pack my stuff and Raven's, fot the journey to my home. While I did this i called my next contact the infamous RED HOOD. 

Part 2;

Jason Todd
I sat in front of my stubborn five year old daughter refusing to do her kindergarten homework.
"Missy can you just sit down and do your homework before Cassie gets home. Please honey if you don't do it before Cassie gets home she is going to literally kill me." I complain to my daughter.
"By Cassie, I will assume you mean Mommy." she said looking at me with those intelligent eyes she got from her mother.
"Daddy  it's too easy. Everyone knows what one plus one is. It's as easy as knowing the square root of one hundred ninety- six." she said with ease. I knew that she knew because she is much like her uncle Tim, brilliant.
"I know you do, but you have to do it anyway." I said as I heard something buzz.   
"Okay, okay I'll do it." she said as i looked for my phone.
"It's in your jacket." she said not even looking up from her paper. " Other side, top pocket." she said as she directed me to my phone.
"Thanks hun." I say to her grabbing my phone.
I looked at the caller I.D; Damian Wayne//Demon Spawn.
"Oh look it's demon spawn." I say under my breath so my daughter won't hear what i called her second favorite uncle.
"Say hi to Uncle Damian for me Daddy." she says, revealing to me that she heard what i said. (Damian- D  Jason- J  Missy- M)
D- Todd I need you to go to Gotham.
J- Dame, I can't just pick up and leave. I have a life here in Miami. Cassie just got a job, a real job for that matter. Missy's teachers are thinking of putting her in a gifted school, and I boxed up the helmet a year after Missy was born and you know that.
D- Jason, you and I both know that what you said about the helmet isn't true. Just yesterday I saw on the news that a crime was stopped  by Spoiler and the Red Hood. I also know that Missy has been longing to go into the field since she was three and this might just be her chance.
M- Uncle Dame is right daddy. You may not know, but I've been training with Papa Bat for some time now and he says I'm ready to be in the field.
J- Missy we will talk about this training later, but Damian why do you want us to go to Gotham?
D- Raven. I'm sure Grayson has told you about her.
J- Raven? Yeah. She is the girl who is half human half demon, right?
D- Yeah. She has been kidnapped.
J- Really, by who?
D- My mother.
M- You mean Talia Al Ghul, the daughter of the demons head, mother to Damian Wayne and ex-lover of the Batman?  
J- Yes and, how do you know that?!
M- I read files in the Batcave.
J- Anyway, why would she kidnap Raven.
D- Well Raven and I, we are... in a relationship.
J- When you mean relationship, do you mean you guys have been on a few dates or that she is your one and only.
D- Jason she is even more then my one and only. She is my everything. Dude when I'm with her I think of all my futures. I mean, I even thought about hanging up the cape for her Jay. She may be gone, but I just wanna be able to bring he home and put her to rest. I mean what if it was Cassie, or Missy? Wouldn't you wanna do the same.
J- Damian, you know the answer to that question, of course I would go. Now if you're going to do this you're going to need everybody.
D- Yeah I know I'm going to call them all now. Thank you for this Jason and be in Gotham with the family by tonight
    J- Alright D later.
    D- Bye.
    I got off the phone with Damian and turn to Missy. I was about to speak when I noticed that she was no longer at the table. I heard shuffling and indistinct talking coming from Missy's room. I walked up the stairs and into her room to find her on the phone and packing her pink suitcase.
"Yes Mrs. Waller Missy will be out for a while. How long exactly? Oh, well it's a family emergency, so she could be out for a couple of weeks." she said, while proceeding to put her wrist- launchers into a separate case.(If you watched Suicide Squad, it is what Deadshot has on his wrists) I could tell by the name of the person she was talking to that it was her principal. She hung up and turned to me.
"So Daddy, when are we leaving for Gotham?" She asked pulling her suitcase from off the bed.
I looked at her with a sly smile, "So you figured out what happened with Uncle D?"
"Yeah. It must be horrible to lose someone you love; especially for Uncle Damian, it being his first love and all." she said looking down solemnly.
"Yeah, but your Uncle D," I said kneeling down and lifting her chin so her eyes meet my gaze. " he is one of the strongest men i know. And if anyone can get through with something like this, it's him." I said as I gave my young and brilliant daughter a hug.


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