Chapter 3: Titus

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Damian's POV

As we made our way into the elevator my eyes made their way to Raven's clothing. It was well matched and looked radiant on her. The blouse fit her curves perfectly and he skirt showed off her legs. This being her usual style it shouldn't have caught my eye so quick, but something about it made me smirk a bit. I guess she had caught me because she looked at me and playfully shoved my shoulder.
' What are you thinking about smart ass?'
' Nothing, but I just wanted to say that you look... absolutely radiant this evening.' I thought to her smiling and looking down.
' Oh, thank you. You know, you don't look so bad yourself Wayne.' She said as I looked down at my street clothes.
She looked down at our hands in the corner of the elevator rails. She changed her position now facing Garfield and Jamie, but in doing so she also, nonchalantly, put her hand atop mine. I gladly took it in my in hoping no one would notice. I began to smile as the elevator slowly came to a stop. The door opened and the others left, as she went to realise my hand i quickly tighten my grip. As if to say Don;'t leave ;not yet . She turned around and a rosey color began to fill her cheeks.
I began to think about how much older we had both gotten. I mean we were sixteen now! I had been four since Trigons attack on the world and everything was going smoothly. That's when i realize how old we had all gotten. Grayson and Kori had gotten married the year of trigons attack, and they also had a pair of twin devils at home to call their own.(Oh how the Wayne household had gotten crowded.) Todd was married two years prior to Grayson's marriage and, also, had a child of his own. Drake went off to Yale for college too, leaving me all alone in the house with my brothers, sister-in-law's , father, and soon-to-be step mother Diana. Thinking about my family made me think about how lucky I am to have her around. Even though i couldn't describe why, with Raven there everything made sense.
I jumped when she looked at me funny and i realized i was staring. We walked out of the elevator her hand in mine, but i dropped it when i saw a souped up, navy blue mustang parked out front. There was a figure in the driver's seat and i knew very well who it was. The figure stepped out of the vehicle and moved around the car to reveal Grayson. He made his was over to Kori giving her a quick kiss before acknowledging anyone else.
He threw his arm around her waist and winking at me before saying, " I see you've been enjoying your time here?"
I stared at him for a moment before looking down at where my hand was. It was around Raven's waist pulling her towards me. I just stared Grayson down, not removing my hand from its position. She looked up at me with a surprised and questioning look. I just looked down at her smirking and tightening my grip on her hip.
She smiled and stared at the ground as the Grayson couple talked about our mandatory fun.

Ravens POV

I smiled and looked down taking in the face that Damian had his arm around me.
" Okay Titans, change of plan we are going somewhere different." Kori said as I saw Dick take baggage of the roof of his mustang and place it in the truck of Kori's car.
" Where are we going then?" Garfield asked in excitement.
" Our former boy wonder here got us an all, expenses paid, vacation to Bush Gardens." She said, proceeding to kiss Dick on the cheek.
" That sounds AWESOME!!" Jamie said as the scarab made an unusual noise.
" Yeah yeah I know. Now pipe down." He told it.
" Okay now go pack your stuff we will be heading off shorty." Kori ordered, but we were already running by the time she finished her sentence. I ran up to my room and grabbed my suitcase from my closet.
" Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I changed as every thing in my closet flew itself into my case. "rac snosyarg eht fo tonrf ni dna sriats nwod kcab ym torpelet!" I chanted again as my backs disappeared and reappeared in front of Dick. I walked out of my room and peered into Damian's. There I found him having trouble putting his clothes into his case.
" Hey you need help?" I asked shyly seeing how Damian had no shirt on. Why did he take it off in the first place I thought.
"It got hot and yes, I do need help." He admitted blushing and turning away hoping i wouldn't see.
" ffuts ym htiw ti dens dna esac ni sehtolc snaimad up!" I changed. All of Damian's clothes neatly arranged itself into the case and vanished down stairs.
I looked to the corner of the d room and saw Ansel in the corner. The three year old black lab I had given Damian a few weeks after ,our fight with Brother Blood. I remember it vividly, as though it was yesterday. Garfield was doing a podcast with some guy I forgot the name of. I ran down stairs and say Kori and Dick getting ready to go to their new apartment.
" Wait Dick?" I hollered just before they headed out the door.
" Yeah Raven?" He asked me.
" I've noticed how Damian has been closed off lately, well more closed off then usual, and I was thinking about cheering him up."
"That sounds great Raven!" Kori says with a smile. "What did you have in mind?"
" Well I was in the mall yesterday and saw something I think will really help him."
"Okay then, go ahead and get it I'm sure he'll love it." Dick said before leaving with Kori.
I got changed into street clothes and headed to the mall. I walked in and went straight to the Store in the mall that sold young puppies. There was a black labrador there that I think would make Damian very happy. I bought the pup and thought of what to name it.
"So it looks like I have to name you, but what? How about Salem" I spoke to myself and the dog. " No that's my heritage. Umm... how about Rashe? Nah that would just anger Damian."
I thought long and hard and finally I knew what to name him. I walked back to the tower and into my room. I changed back into my suit and put the tags pack in the pitch black dog. I put his food and dishes into the kitchen. I also put a dog bed in my room then one on Damian's. I saw that he was not in his room. I check his next favorite place in the world... the roof. I went up there and saw him staring at ,the late, Deathstrokes mask. I walked up to him looking over the edge of the tower. I turned to him and removed my clock from covering my body revealing the puppy. He looked at the dog and raised his eyebrow, as Cassie flew overhead.
"What's that?" He asked.
" It's a dog Damian, and he is ours." I answered.
"Ours? As in both of ours. As in we share the dog." He questioned.
"Yes. You get him on weekends." I joke while smirking at him he takes the puppy and Higgs me.
"Thank you Raven. This is... the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." He pulled away and stared at each other. He leaned in and that's when I had first kissed Damian. Over time we had fogotten, but now those feelings came rushing back.
" So what's his name?" Damian asked.
" Well I named him after a demon and a head of the league. Titus."

When you figure out the dogs real name according to the comics and have to change everything in the chapter😂😂

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