The Ironic Day part 2

Start from the beginning

Hera put the last piece in place and reactivated Chopper. Chopper spun around and made a lot of noise like he was some master at combat before Hera was able to calm him down and get him to scan the ship for the Imperial Tracker.

We waited a while before Hera called us all into the cockpit.

"Well..." Hera began, "We were tagged, but the good news is that the tracker is actually on the hull of the 'Phantom'." She remarked grinningly.

Kanan seemed to be thinking about something.

"What is it love?" Hera asked.

"I have a plan." Kanan replied.

"If you could modify the hyperspace coordinates..." He started.

"Which I could..." Hera asked a little annoyed by him doubting my abilities as a pilot.

"Then me and Ezra could take the 'Phantom' and lead the Empire away from you guys and to the old Clone Base on that asteroid." Kanan finished.

"What! Are you crazy! Detaching in hyperspace is super dangerous!" Sabine exclaimed.

"Yeah love, why not just dump the 'Phantom' and let the Empire chase after their tracker?" Hera suggested.

"Because there is something else in play here!" Kanan spouted.

"Back on Lothal I sensed it. The Inquisitor has picked up our trail so as long as Me and Ezra remain on this ship we are endangering ours and Zeebo's escape." Kanan answered quickly, almost running out of breath.

Ezra finally spoke up.

"So I have to go to this asteroid filled with nasties... as a favor to Zeebo?" Ezra questioned.

"As a favor to all of us." Kanan answered in a more calm manor.

Kanan and Ezra went and boarded the 'Phantom'. Me and Hera said our good-byes to our lovers and watched as they detached and were slung out of hyperspace.


The whole ship shook and spun as we exited hyperspace. I began to feel queasy and nearly threw up before Kanan regained control of the 'Phantom'.

"That was the easy part." Kanan said after laughing a little at his success.

We flew towards the darkness of the old clone base. I was scared and I admitted that to Kanan.

"I will let you in on a little secret Ezra. Everyone is scared of something, but admitting it like you just did makes you braver than most." Kanan said smoothly.

We continued to fly right into the dark hangar. Kanan landed the craft.

"I will get the tracker. You go make some new friends." Kanan said.

He got the tracker, but I was struggling to connect. I was blocked somehow by some random emotion. Kanan jumped down to help but it figures that he was less than proficient at this one force ability.

"Ezra! You need to let go Ezra! What are you afraid of!? Them!" Kanan spouted.

"No!" I replied trying to hold back my tears.

"Then what!" Kanan demanded.

"I'm... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of knowing the truth!" I yelled trying to hold back the tears.

"I'm sorry Zeebo. I'm so sorry..." I said aloud and echoed through the force.

I was stunned. My emotional block was gone. I was one with the force. I could sense Kanan's amazement as I began to influence all the Bandarks in the cave to listen to me and not to attack me or Kanan. Kanan motioned for me to sit and meditate with him. I followed his instructions never once breaking my connection with the force. Soon there was another noise, another voice.

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